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Grave Goods in Early Medieval Europe: regional variability and decline

Emma Brownlee

Cite this as: Brownlee, E. 2021 Grave Goods in Early Medieval Europe: regional variability and decline, Internet Archaeology 56.


The data used to create the figures (including interactive Figure 1), and carry out the statistical analyses is presented here, along with the R code. The dataset all_graves.csv contains the raw data for all cemeteries analysed, showing the numbers of objects and whether each type of object was present or absent in each grave. This data was the basis of figures in Section 3.1, and all statistical analyses. The datasets all_cemeteries.csv and all_cem_types.csv show summary statistics for each cemetery, and were the basis of figures in Section 3.2 and Section 5.1 for the former, and Section 5.2 for the latter. The dataset all_graves.csv was also the basis of the maps (figs. 4, 9, 13, 17, 19, 24, 29, 31). These were produced in ArcGIS, and were manually manipulated to aid clarity, so are not reproducible. Figures 33-43 were also produced manually.

all_graves.csv: Dataset containing all graves from the cemeteries analysed. Used to create figures 5- 8, 10-12, 14-18, and for all statistical tests.

all_cemeteries.csv: Dataset containing summary statistics for each cemetery. Used to create figures 20-23, 25-28, 30, 32, 44-54.

all_cem_types.csv: Dataset containing a break down of proportions of object types for each cemetery. Used to create figures 55-65.

The R code used to create the graphs and carry out the statistical analyses: Code_EM_grave_goods.R

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