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Italian Archaeology: heritage, protection and enhancement

Oriana Cerbone, Alessandro Garrisi, Marcella Giorgio, Cristiana La Serra, Valentina Leonelli and Giuseppina Manca di Mores

Cite this as: Cerbone, O., Garrisi, A., Giorgio, M., La Serra, C., Leonelli, V. and Manca di Mores, G. 2021 Italian Archaeology: heritage, protection and enhancement, Internet Archaeology 57.


Children in the middle distance standing on stone ruins
Children visiting the Archaeological Park of Ancient Mileto, 'La città di Ruggero'. Image from
Italy has a long tradition of cultural heritage management, which has been framed in an art historical context. This paper outlines the challenges to public archaeology, as it is often seen as a cost rather than as a benefit. Examples are provided showing how museums and heritage sites can be made more inclusive and welcoming to all members of the public, using a combination of private funding and public regulatory frameworks.
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  • Keywords: Italy, public archaeology, Faro Convention, private investment, regulatory frameworks
  • Accepted: 6 Jan 2021. Published: 17 Mar 2021
  • Funding: The publication of this article is funded by the European Archaeological Council.
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Corresponding author: Marcella GiorgioORCID logo
Associazione Nazionale Archeologi (ANA)

Co-authors: Oriana Cerbone
Associazione Nazionale Archeologi (ANA)

Alessandro GarrisiORCID logo
Associazione Nazionale Archeologi (ANA)

Cristiana La SerraORCID logo
Associazione Nazionale Archeologi (ANA)

Valentina Leonelli
Associazione Nazionale Archeologi (ANA)

Giuseppina Manca di Mores
Associazione Nazionale Archeologi (ANA)

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Figure 3: The Archeodromo of Poggibonsi. (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Figure 4: Guided tour for children visiting the Archaeological Park of Ancient Mileto, 'La città di Ruggero'. Image credit: Associazione Culturale Mnemosyne.

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