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Archaeological Excavations and Social Impact at Pontefract Castle (data paper)Open Data

Indie Jago and Manda Forster

Cite this as: Jago, I. and Forster, M. 2023 Archaeological Excavations and Social Impact at Pontefract Castle (data paper), Internet Archaeology 61.


Trench showing participants in the community excavation at the castle
The community excavations ©DigVentures

The Gatehouse Project at Pontefract Castle took place between September 2019 and August 2020. This data paper describes the project data from the community focused archaeological investigation undertaken by DigVentures.

Indie Jago

Corresponding author: Manda ForsterORCID logo

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Figure 1: The community excavations ©DigVentures

Figure 2: Annotated 3D model of the excavated trench ©DigVentures

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