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Internet Archaeology: Issue 61 (2023)

The Portable Antiquities Scheme and the potential of non-metallic finds: A Viking Comb from Shotley, Suffolk

Steven P. Ashby, Lewis Tomlinson, Samantha Presslee, Jessica Hendy, Alex Bliss, Faye Minter and Dan Brock

Cite this as: Ashby, S.P., Tomlinson, L., Presslee, S., Hendy, J., Bliss, A., Minter, F. and Brock, D. 2023 The Portable Antiquities Scheme and the potential of non-metallic finds: A Viking Comb from Shotley, Suffolk, Internet Archaeology 61.

The Excavation of a Romano-British Site at Netherhall Road, Maryport

Magnus Kirby and Jamie Walker with contributions by Diane Alldritt, Sue Anderson, Ann Clarke, David Griffiths, Christina Hills, Fraser Hunter, Jennifer Thoms, Kay Hartley and Felicity Wild

Cite this as: Kirby, M. and Walker, J. (with contributions by D. Alldritt, S. Anderson, A. Clarke, D. Griffiths, C. Hills, F. Hunter, J. Thoms, K. Hartley and F. Wild) 2023 The Excavation of a Romano-British Site at Netherhall Road, Maryport, Internet Archaeology 61.

HS2 Phase One: Heritage GIS Digital Archive (Data paper)

Fred Farshid Aryankhesal

Cite this as: Aryankhesal, F.F. 2023 'HS2 Phase One: Heritage GIS Digital Archive (Data paper)', Internet Archaeology, HS2 publications.

A Medieval Drawbridge Pit and the Stories it Tells Us, Excavations at Pontefract Castle, 2019-2020

Nat Jackson, Chris Casswell and Manda Forster

Cite this as: Jackson, N., Casswell, C. and Forster, M. 2023 A Medieval Drawbridge Pit and the Stories it Tells Us, Excavations at Pontefract Castle, 2019–2020, Internet Archaeology 61.

Archaeological Excavations and Social Impact at Pontefract Castle (data paper)

Indie Jago and Manda Forster

Cite this as: Jago, I. and Forster, M. 2023 Archaeological Excavations and Social Impact at Pontefract Castle (data paper), Internet Archaeology 61.

Mints not Mines: a macroscale investigation of Roman silver coinage

Jonathan R. Wood, Matthew Ponting and Kevin Butcher

Cite this as: Wood, J.R., Ponting, M. and Butcher, K. 2023 Mints not Mines: a macroscale investigation of Roman silver coinage, Internet Archaeology 61.

On the Discovery of a Late Acheulean 'Giant' Handaxe from the Maritime Academy, Frindsbury, Kent

Letty Ingrey, Sarah M. Duffy, Martin Bates, Andrew Shaw and Matt Pope

Cite this as: Ingrey, L., Duffy, SM., Bates, M., Shaw, A. and Pope, M. 2023 On the Discovery of a Late Acheulean 'Giant' Handaxe from the Maritime Academy, Frindsbury, Kent, Internet Archaeology 61.

The Submerged Palaeo-Yare: a review of Pleistocene landscapes and environments in the southern North Sea

Lowri Roberts and Andrea Hamel, with contributions from Andrew Shaw, Claire Mellett and Euan McNeill

Cite this as: Roberts, L. and Hamel, A. (with contributions from A. Shaw, C. Mellett and E. McNeill) 2023 The Submerged Palaeo-Yare: a review of Pleistocene landscapes and environments in the southern North Sea, Internet Archaeology 61.

Feeding Anglo-Saxon England: a bioarchaeological dataset for the study of early medieval agriculture (Data paper)

Mark McKerracher, Helena Hamerow, Amy Bogaard, Christopher Bronk Ramsey, Michael Charles, Emily Forster, John Hodgson, Matilda Holmes, Samantha Neil, Tina Roushannafas and Richard Thomas

Cite this as: McKerracher, M. et al. 2023 Feeding Anglo-Saxon England: a bioarchaeological dataset for the study of early medieval agriculture (Data paper), Internet Archaeology 61.

A Quick Buck: An Early Licensed Whisky Distillery at Blackmiddens Farm in the Cabrach

Darroch D.M. Bratt and Peter Bye-Jensen

Cite this as: Bratt, D.D.M. and Bye-Jensen, P. 2023 A Quick Buck: an Early Licensed Whisky Distillery at Blackmiddens Farm in the Cabrach, Internet Archaeology 61.

Stratigraphic Analysis and The Matrix: connecting and reusing digital records and archives of archaeological investigations

Keith May, James S. Taylor and Ceri Binding

Cite this as: May, K., Taylor, J.S. and Binding, C. 2023 Stratigraphic Analysis and The Matrix: connecting and reusing digital records and archives of archaeological investigations, Internet Archaeology 61.

A North-Western Habitat: the Paleoethology and Colonisation of a European Peninsula (a comprehensive analysis of excavations in Pin Hole Cave, Creswell Crags)

Rogan D.S. Jenkinson

Cite this as: Jenkinson, R.D.S. 2023 A North-Western Habitat: the Paleoethology and Colonisation of a European Peninsula (a comprehensive analysis of excavations in Pin Hole Cave, Creswell Crags), Internet Archaeology 61.

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