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Preservation of Archaeological and Natural Values. A Case Study of the North-Western part of Latvia

Sandra Zirne and Egita Lūsēna

Cite this as: Zirne, S. and Lusena, E. 2023 Preservation of Archaeological and Natural Values. A Case Study of the North-Western part of Latvia, Internet Archaeology 62.


The traditional coastal fishermen's village Košrags in the territory of the Slītere National Park. (Photo: E. Šulcs)
The traditional coastal fishermen's village Košrags in the territory of the Slītere National Park. (Photo: E. Šulcs)

The article is a review of specially designated nature protected areas and Stone Age settlements in north-western Latvia, called North Kurzeme. This area was chosen because it has a special environment. It is a culturally and historically important coastal region with diverse protected natural areas, a unique coastal landscape, and important archaeological sites. The article provides information about Moricsala Nature Reserve and Slītere National Park, their management, and about the Stone Age settlements discovered there.

Corresponding author: Sandra Zirne
Head of Department Archaeology and History, National Heritage Board, Latvia

Egita Lūsēna
Department Archaeology and History, National Heritage Board, Latvia

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Figure 1: Schematic map of the North-Western part of Lavia (Kurzeme)

Figure 2: Moricsala Nature Reserve and Moricsala Mesolithic settlement site in Lake Usma (Photo: E. Lūsēna)

Figure 3: Slītere lighthouse, built in the 19th century, located on the edge of a steep slope of the Blue Hills in the territory of the Slītere National Park (Photo: E. Šulcs)

Figure 4: Cape Kolka – the northernmost point of the Kurzeme (Courland) peninsula (Photo: J. Urtāns)

Figure 5: Kolka lighthouse, built in the 19th century, located about 5km from the coast on an artificial island (Photo: L. Skujāne)

Figure 6: The traditional coastal fishermen's village Košrags in the territory of the Slītere National Park (Photo: E. Šulcs)

Figure 7: The White Dune outcrop and Purciems Neolithic settlement site (Photo: S. Zirne)

Figure 8: Clay figurine finds from Purciems settlement. (Drawing from Loze 2006, 152)

Loze, I. 2006 Neolīta apmetnes Ziemeļkurzemes kāpās, Rīga: Latvijas vēstures institūta apgāds.

Šturms, E. 1937a 'Neolīta apmetne Dundagas Purciemā' in F. Balodis and L. Liberts (eds) Senatne un Māksla 1, Riga: Pieminekļu valdes un valstspapīru spiestuve. 46–54.

Šturms, E. 1937b ' Senākie cilvēka tēli Latvijā' in F. Balodis and L. Liberts (eds) Senatne un Māksla 4, Riga: Pieminekļu valdes un valstspapīru spiestuve. 83–91.

Zagorska, I. 2000 'Mesolithic habitation in the basin of Lake Usma, Western Latvia' in Ē. Mugurēvičs (ed) Arheoloģija un etnogrāfija XX, Rīga: Latvijas vēstures institūta apgāds. 107–19.

Zagorska, I. 2004 'Apzināšanas darbi Usmas ezera rietumu krastā' in I. Ose (ed) Arheologu pētījumi Latvijā 2002. un 2003. gadā, Rīga: Latvijas vēstures institūta apgāds. 16–17.


1992 Law on Protection of Cultural Monuments [Last accessed: 15 September 2022].

1993 Law on Specially Protected Nature Territories. [Last accessed: 15 September 2022].

2000 Moricsala Nature Reserve Law. [Last accessed: 15 September 2022].

2015 Slītere National Park Law. [Last accessed: 15 September 2022].

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