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The Twain Shall Meet: International rules for the protection of heritage and nature

Leonard de Wit

Cite this as: de Wit, L. 2023 The Twain Shall Meet: International rules for the protection of heritage and nature, Internet Archaeology 62.


A sign on a brick wall reading: Wars belong in the museum
Text on the wall of the military museum in Vienna: wars belong in the museum

This article discusses the international agreements that have been made for the protection of heritage and nature. It is shown that, while there are often formal separations between the two realms, there is an increasing convergence between them. An overview is given of the significance of the various international organisations who deal with the international rules of law concerning nature and heritage. On four topics, there is further discussion about the possibilities for cooperation between the two domains: the World Heritage Convention, the conventions for biological diversity and intangible heritage, the rules concerning the Law of the sea and the Wetlands Convention.

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  • Keywords: International law, natural heritage, cultural heritage, intangible heritage, biodiversity, World Heritage Convention, Law of the sea, Convention on the protection of the underwater cultural heritage, Wetlands convention
  • Accepted: 14 November 2022. Published: 23 March 2023
  • Funding: The publication of this article is funded by the European Archaeological Council.
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Corresponding author: Leonard de Wit
Cultural Heritage Agency, The Netherlands

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Figure 1: Text on the wall of the military museum in Vienna: wars belong in the museum

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