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Butrint National Park 'Integrated Management Plan' - Combining Natural Park with Cultural Heritage

Ela Miziri, Mariglen Meshini and Rudina Zoto

Cite this as: Miziri, E., Meshini, M. and Zoto, R. 2023 Butrint National Park 'Integrated Management Plan' - Combining Natural Park with Cultural Heritage, Internet Archaeology 62.


Ruins at an archaelogical site surrounded by vegetation
View of National Park of Butrint

Inhabited since prehistoric times, Butrint (ancient Buthrotum), has been the site of a Greek colony, a Roman city and a bishopric. Following a period of prosperity under Byzantine administration, then a brief occupation by the Venetians, the city was abandoned in the late Middle Ages after marshes formed in the area. The present archaeological site has remains representing each period in the city's development. Today, Butrint is an Archaeological Park under the patronage of both UNESCO and Natural Park. The ancient city of Butrint is the best example of combining cultural heritage with the elements of the Natural Park.

Owing to the changes in climate that have occurred in the last two decades, the archaeological site of Butrint, especially the area of the ancient theatre and Roman forum, are covered by water at times. The implementation of intervention projects for monuments has been inefficient however due to prolonged procedures and the jurisdiction overlap between specialised institutions. Because of this, a new reasonable approach on conservation interventions and archaeological excavations will be taken on some of the monuments at the Archaeological Park of Butrint . These interventions will be regulated by an Integrated Management Plan implemented in 2021, and will include the management of cultural and natural assets. The Management Plan conditions will determine, control and ensure a sustainable and long-term administration of the monuments and the site.

Corresponding author: Ela Miziri
Archaeological Service Directorate, National Institute of Cultural Heritage, Albania

Mariglen Meshini
Archaeological Service Directorate, National Institute of Cultural Heritage, Albania

Rudina Zoto
Archaeological Service Directorate, National Institute of Cultural Heritage, Albania

Full text

Figure 1: View of National Park of Butrint

Figure 2: Photo during the EAC conference in Butrint, Albania, 2013 (Image credit: Mariglen Meshini)

Figure 3: Photo taken in 2013 during the EAC conference near the ancient theatre, National Park of Butrint (Image credit: National Institute of Cultural Heritage, Albania)

IMP 2021 Integrated Management Plan of Butrint National Park (2020-2030), Tirana.

Ramsar 2003 'Ramsar Sites Information Service, Butrint'. [Last accessed: 19 October 2022].

UNESCO 1972 Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, adopted by the General Conference at its seventeenth session Paris, 16 November 1972. [Last accessed: 19 October 2022].

Further reading

Hernandez, D. and Çondi D. 2014 'The Forum of Butrint: new data from excavations at the Roman forum', Iliria 38, 150.

Nanaj, A. 1985 'Butroti protourban/La phase protourbaine de Bouthrötos', Iliria 15(2), 303-312.

Nanaj, A. 1986 'Butrint', Iliria 16(2), 256.

Molla, N. 2015 'The rise and fall of a Byzantine Polis? The dynamics of the urban development of Butrint in IX-XIV century', Iliria 39, 330.

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