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Towards an Open Digital Ecosystem for Archaeology in South America: The BADACor (Córdoba Archaeological Sites Database) as a case of an open digital archaeological source for heritage management in central Argentina

Andrés. D. Izeta and Roxana Cattáneo

Cite this as: Izeta, A.D. and Cattáneo, R. 2023 Towards an Open Digital Ecosystem for Archaeology in South America: The BADACor (Córdoba Archaeological Sites Database) as a case of an open digital archaeological source for heritage management in central Argentina, Internet Archaeology 64.


BaDACor is a database that contains a comprehensive inventory of archaeological sites located in the province of Córdoba, Argentina. The creation of this database was the result of a top-down approach, which involved the collaboration of decision-makers and professionals from the academic and state-governmental sectors. Furthermore, the database has also been utilised in a bottom-up approach, whereby interest groups and citizens concerned with heritage preservation have made use of it. This has been particularly important in light of the construction of Highway 38, which has resulted in damage to natural habitats and the destruction of territories of communities with traditional ways of life. Additionally, the construction of the highway has also endangered the integrity of ancestral territories loaded with symbolism for aboriginal communities. BaDACor has been employed in legal claims in cases of conflict with the state, and has proved to be an invaluable tool for heritage management. This is especially significant for local communities and indigenous groups who have historically had their heritage desecrated, destroyed, and hidden. The availability of BaDACor on different platforms has facilitated better access to information while also ensuring the preservation of digital data. The use of digital media has been reinforced through talks, conferences, and meetings with stakeholders to ensure that the voices of affected communities are heard in decision-making processes.

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  • Keywords: Archaeological sites, heritage preservation, BaDACor, public archaeology, indigenous communities, cultural heritage, highway construction, environmental impact, open access, data preservation
  • Accepted: 26 July 2023. Published: 31 October 2023
  • Funding: This article was funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 ARIADNEplus grant agreement n. 823914.
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Corresponding author: Andrés. D. IzetaORCID logo
Instituto de Antropología de Córdoba (CONICET/Universidad Nacional de Córdoba) and Departamento de Antropología, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Roxana CattáneoORCID logo
Instituto de Antropología de Córdoba (CONICET/Universidad Nacional de Córdoba) and Departamento de Antropología, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

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Figure 1 Digital ecosystem where BaDACor is developed

Figure 2: Left: Top-down approach model; Right: Bottom-up approach model

Figure 3: a) Map showing the distribution of archaeological sites in the Punilla Valley. The black dots show the location of archaeological sites included in BaDaCor before citizen data input. Triangles show the location of archaeological sites recorded by citizens. b) Heat map of archaeological sites as portrayed in ARIADNEPlus portal. The rectangle marks the location of the Punilla valley. c) Archaeological sites distribution in Córdoba Province

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