Table 26: Horizon description: borehole 6

* All depths reported as metres below ground level
14.30m AOD is a mean value, calculated from twelve spot levels taken on the shop floor by YAT in June 1995.

Depth (m)*Horizon descriptionSample
Ref.TypeDepth (m)
1.00 Trench excavated by YATNo sample
2.00 Slightly moist, slightly sticky dark brown organic silty clay, with ash lenses. Abundant wood remains giving a 'compost' texture. Slightly calcareousNo sample
2.17 Slightly moist, slightly sticky, very dark greyish brown organic clay material. Slightly calcareousNo sample
2.63 Slightly moist, slightly sticky, black loamy 'peaty' material, with burnt hazelnuts. CalcareousNo sample
3.50 Dark reddish grey gritty ash horizonNo sample
4.50 Slightly moist, slightly sticky, very dark grey/black loamy 'peaty' material. Common bone fragments and wood remains. CalcareousNo sample
4.65 Slightly moist, slightly sticky, very dark greyish brown organic clay, few stones present (limestone/masonry?). CalcareousNo sample
5.40 Wet, very sticky black loamy peat material. Charcoal, ash and wood remains present. Slightly calcareous BH6 C5 Soil 5.00-5.40
5.80 Slightly moist, stiff, very dark greyish brown clay (still made ground, as charcoal flecks present). Non-calcareousNo sample
End of hole


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Last updated: Wed Mar 6 2002