List of Tables

Table 1: Details of ceramic data obtained from Elms Farm by analytical phase

Table 2: Classification of pottery forms for analysis

Table 3: Percentage of pottery functions at Elms Farm by period (highest proportions per function in bold)

Table 4: Percentages of pottery forms at Elms Farm by period (highest proportions per form in bold)

Table 5: Consumption of amphorae at Elms Farm by period (top - percentage of total site assemblage by weight, bottom - weights in grams)

Table 6: The functional composition of ceramic assemblages by excavated area at Elms Farm (highest functional percentage by area in bold)

Table 7: The occurrence of amphorae in selected assemblages at Elms Farm, by weight (g)

Table 8: Summary of main spatial and temporal trends

Table 9: Percentages of pottery form classes in excavated areas at Elms Farm, c. 50 - 15 BC (highest proportions per form type in bold)

Table 10: Assemblages by functional composition of pottery, c. 50 - 15 BC (highest proportion per assemblage in bold)

Table 11: Percentages of pottery form classes in excavated areas at Elms Farm, c. 15 BC - AD 20 (highest proportions per form type in bold)

Table 12: Assemblages by functional composition of pottery, c. 15 BC-AD 20 (highest proportion per assemblage in bold)

Table 13: Percentages of pottery form classes in excavated areas at Elms Farm, c. AD 20 - 55 (highest proportions per form type in bold)

Table 14: Assemblages by functional composition of pottery, c. AD 20 - 55 (highest proportion per assemblage in bold)

Table 15: Percentages of pottery form classes in excavated areas at Elms Farm, c. AD 55 - 80 (highest proportions per form type in bold)

Table 16: Assemblages by functional composition of pottery, c. AD 55 - 80 (highest proportion per assemblage in bold)

Table 17: Percentages of pottery form classes in excavated areas at Elms Farm, c. AD 80 - 125 (highest proportions per form type in bold)

Table 18: Assemblages by functional composition of pottery, c. AD 80 - 125 (highest proportion per assemblage in bold)

Table 19: Percentages of pottery form classes in excavated areas at Elms Farm, c. AD 125 - 170 (highest proportions per form type in bold)

Table 20: Assemblages by functional composition of pottery, c. AD 125 - 170 (highest proportion per assemblage in bold)

Table 21: Percentages of pottery form classes in excavated areas at Elms Farm, c. AD 170 - 210 (highest proportions per form type in bold)

Table 22: Assemblages by functional composition of pottery, c. AD 170 - 210 (highest proportion per assemblage in bold)

Table 23: The functional composition of the samian ware assemblage at Elms Farm

Table 24: Details of the removal of outliers from correspondence analysis


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Last updated: Tue May 08 2007