5.2 Research objectives

As well as investigations to understand its archaeology and environment, the study was designed to assist in the conservation of the area by completing a new survey of the whole area, including both the archaeology and the vegetation and assessing its condition and current land use to produce recommendations for future management.

The archaeological research aimed to answer the questions of how and over what period the fields were used, what was the original form of the field boundaries, and what were the environmental conditions at the time of their construction. This included geophysical survey by fluxgate magnetometer of two areas, one on the summit of the main Muriau Gwyddelod settlement and an adjoining field, the other over one of the outlying areas, Fronhill, to include a possible settlement enclosure and two adjoining fields. The geophysical survey was carried out to look for sub-surface features and to try to identify early cultivation features. The Muriau Gwyddelod geophysical survey was unproductive and it was concluded that the soils were very thin and stony. The Fronhill area appeared to have deeper soils and be better preserved with more archaeological potential and so was targeted for excavation across one of the field boundaries there.


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