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E-monograph Series. No. 4

A small mesolithic site at Fife Ness, Fife, Scotland.

Caroline R Wickham-Jones1 & Magnar Dalland2

121 Dudley Gardens, Edinburgh, EH6 4PU.
2Headland Archaeology Ltd, Albion Business Centre, Unit B4, 78 Albion Road, Edinburgh, EH7 5QZ.

Cite this as: Wickham-Jones, C.R. and Dalland, M. 1998 A small mesolithic site at Fife Ness, Fife, Scotland, Internet Archaeology 5.


Reconstruction drawing - click to enlarge

Illustration by Mary Kemp-Clarke

In the summer of 1996 work to build a new golf course on the coast at Crail in Fife, Scotland, uncovered a small patch of dark soil associated with microliths. Excavation revealed an arc of seven pits or post-holes, a hearth site and several other pit-like features. There was a small lithic assemblage, and also a quantity of carbonised hazelnut shell, samples of which were sent off for radiocarbon assay.

The site was remarkable for several reasons:

The similarity of the dates adds weight to the argument that the site represents a single occupation which, in view of its size, is likely to have been of short duration. This, and the nature of the lithic assemblage, have lead us to the interpretation that the site was a specialised camp site, probably making use of coastal resources.

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