Internet Archaeology (ISSN 1363-5387) is the premier open access archaeology journal. The journal publishes quality academic content and explores the potential of digital publication through the inclusion of data, video, audio, images, visualisations, animations and interactive mapping. Internet Archaeology is international in scope - a journal without borders - and all content is peer-reviewed. Internet Archaeology is hosted by the Department of Archaeology at the University of York and digitally archived by the Archaeology Data Service. Internet Archaeology has been awarded the Directory of Open Access Journals Seal in recognition of our high standards in publishing best practice, preservation and openness. Internet Archaeology was established in 1995 and has been publishing online since 1996.
The journal is hosted by the Department of Archaeology at the University of York and is produced, managed and edited by Judith Winters, who is supported by co-directors Prof. Julian Richards (York) and Dr Michael Heyworth (Council for British Archaeology). Advisory editors support the Editor. The contents of the journal are archived with the Archaeology Data Service whose remit is the long-term preservation of digital research materials.
Contact: Judith Winters
Internet Archaeology
Department of Archaeology
University of York
The King's Manor
York YO1 7EP
UK Email:
Internet Archaeology (a subscription journal between 2000-2014) completed the transition to open access in September 2014 and has been awarded the Directory of Open Access Journals Seal in recognition of our high standards in publishing best practice, preservation and openness in 2015.
Based on current access stats.
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Accessibility: Internet Archaeology conforms to WCAG 2.0 (Level AA) and and Section 508 compliance.
Archive policy: Internet Archaeology is archived by the Archaeology Data Service, the national digital archive for archaeology in the UK.
Author information: View our author guidelines here including editorial policy.
Code of Conduct: Internet Archaeology is not a member but adheres to OASPA's code of conduct.
Communications: All publications are announced via our email list intarch-interest hosted by JISCmail. Announcements and new content are also disseminated via our Twitter and Facebook feeds.
Data: we encourage authors to publish their data, which can be included and embedded within articles or can be linked to where data is hosted elsewhere, in a digital archive or repository for example.
Data papers: view our guidelines on data papers.
Data protection: Internet Archaeology does not retain any personal author data beyond name, email, ORCID and workplace affiliation.
Donations: Support publishing and archiving costs of researchers who have no means of institutional support by donating to our Open Access Archaeology fund. All donors of £25 or more will receive one of our highly sought after USB trowels by way of thank you.
Editorial policy (aims and scope): Internet Archaeology is broad in scope, accepting all manner of research and method articles, data papers, reviews through to e-monographs. IA aims to publish articles of a high academic standing using the strengths and potential of the digital medium.
Fees: There is a one-off charge (APC) for a publication in Internet Archaeology (covering all aspects of editorial and technical development). Costs are commensurate with the length of the article being submitted, and other technical requirements plus long term management. The journal is not-for-profit and charges are levied only to sustain the journal. The decision to accept an article for publication in Internet Archaeology is not tied to availability of APC.
History: The journal has been publishing since 1996. See our archive for some highlights and milestones.
Indexing: Internet Archaeology content is tracked or indexed by the following: Altmetric, Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage OpenAIRE Community Gateway, Dimensions, DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), EBSCO (relevant databases), ERIH PLUS (European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences), Genamics, Google Scholar, Mirabel, ScienceOpen, SCImago (SJR), SCOPUS, Sherpa, Ulrichsweb, WorldCat (OCLC).
Monograph publication: Internet Archaeology is so much more than a journal. We will consider publishing any long-form publication, including monographs.
Open access policy: Internet Archaeology believes that open access to archaeological research offers significant academic, professional and social benefits. Providing free, immediate, online access is the most effective way of ensuring that research can be read, integrated and built upon. As an open access journal, Internet Archaeology creates more value than it did as a closed version. Internet Archaeology has been awarded the Directory of Open Access Journals Seal in recognition of our high standards in publishing best practice, preservation and openness.
Open Badges: Internet Archaeology supports open practices and recognizes the value of researchers sharing their research results in ways that allow others to reproduce their findings and reuse their methods and data. Open Badges are awarded in in recognition of authors' open scientific practices.
Open Citations: Internet Archaeology has opted to make our citation data public in response to the Initiative for Open Citations. There are a wealth of benefits that arise in making citation data open, including the establishment of a global public web of linked scholarly citation data to enhance the discoverability and use of published content.
Peer review: Internet Archaeology usually operates double-blind peer review following initial screening (at the proposal stage) but we are open to experimentation e.g. open peer review.
People: Current and former staff
Projects: We are very interested in being involved with research projects, especially in the development of end-of-project publications, as well as digital publication projects like PUBLICAN and LEAP.
REF: All Internet Archaeology is eligible for submission in the UK Research Excellence Framework. Authors are advised to use the 'gold OA' exception in the policy which means they do not have to deposit their work separately in a repository.
RSS: Our RSS feed can be found at intarch.rdf
Self-archiving policy: Internet Archaeology is a RoMEO Green publisher, which means that authors are free to archive their submitted/accepted/published versions in any other repository as long as the original publication is acknowledged.
Strategic plan: The journal's ongoing development is framed by a Five-Year Strategic Plan which presents a shared Vision Statement for both the ADS and Internet Archaeology.
Transparency: The journal continually seeks to improve research rigour and transparency. We have a TOP Factor of 8, a metric that measures commitment to transparency and reproducibility in open science practices. Journals that have taken real steps toward transparency are expected to score 6 or better.
Internet Archaeology is an open access journal based in the Department of Archaeology, University of York. Except where otherwise noted, content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 (CC BY) Unported licence, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided that attribution to the author(s), the title of the work, the Internet Archaeology journal and the relevant URL/DOI are given.
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Internet Archaeology content is preserved for the long term with the Archaeology Data Service. Help sustain and support open access publication by donating to our Open Access Archaeology Fund.