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Submit a proposal

View the current Internet Archaeology editorial policy.

Go to our Proposal Submission form

Sending us proposal does not commit you to anything, but it gives us a shared basis to start a publication conversation. No full texts at this stage please. Please use the form and do not bypass it by sending article proposals by email.

Develop your ideas

Publishing in Internet Archaeology gives you the freedom to present your work in full. The journal imposes no limit to the length of research articles or the number of figures, tables, visualisations, datasets, videos and other file formats that you wish to present in the main body of the article. Nor does your article have to have an intrinsic “digital/IT” focus for it to be suitable for publication in the journal. Being open access and free to read means your work will have broad visibility and reach, and since the journal is archived by the Archaeology Data Service, then your content is assured to be preserved and managed into the future.

The Editor is keen for the journal to be a natural place of publication for both the development-led and academic archaeology/heritage sectors.

There is a one-off charge (APC) for a publication in Internet Archaeology (covering all aspects of editorial and technical development). Costs are commensurate with the length of the article being submitted, its technical requirements plus long term management and archiving. A cost is calculated once a proposal has been accepted.

Here are some other reasons why you might want to publish in Internet Archaeology.

“Internet Archaeology seems a more approachable option to publishing than the more traditional publications.” Archaeological specialist in National government (PUBLICAN survey)

If you are interested in a different way of publishing, and moving beyond the printed page and PDF, then Internet Archaeology is the journal for you.

Research Articles

A research article in Internet Archaeology can be of any length, can take many forms and follow different structures. It can be a work of regional, national or international interest, it can be an excavation/fieldwork report, an artefact study, a methodological study, a scientific analysis, a replication of a previously conducted study, a re-analysis/re-interpretation of a dataset, a discussion about a reconstruction or visualisation, the list goes on. The Editor is interested in all manner of research articles, short, medium and long (all the way up to monograph-length). The Editor will always look for opportunities to present content in ways that can not be done in print and is happy to discuss your ideas, even if you feel they are at an early stage.

Does your research involve data, visualisations/models, videos, audio data? We are interested! All these things can be included in your publication.

The following other types of publication are also welcome.

Data Papers

A data paper is a short, peer-reviewed publication which acts as a signpost or additional 'window' for a related archived dataset. The aim of a data paper is to raise awareness of that dataset and its re-use potential. A data paper describes the contents of a dataset deposited (or soon to be deposited) with a trusted, accredited repository, the methods used to create that dataset and, most importantly, what further avenues of research are possible. A data paper is a very useful companion publication to many digital archives and can sit easily alongside a richer digital publication in the journal. See our separate data papers section for examples, submission requirements and more information.

Thematic Issues

A themed issue contains articles that link together and focus on a single topic, thus making a valuable intervention in a field. A themed issue may derive from a conference session while others may arise from meetings and desire for synthesis. Some very helpful tips to consider when considering compiling themed issues can be found here.

The main challenge for editors of proposed themed issues in Internet Archaeology is how to obtain sufficient funds to cover the related author fees (these can be lower for themed issues than for individual articles due to some efficiencies of scale). The Editor may be able to help authors with funding applications (either for the theme as a whole or for individual contributors who may be eligible to apply for their own costs) but crowd-funding themed issues is also an option where there are no organisational-level of funds to draw from. Please just ask the Editor if you need some further guidance.


Some journal articles are long form publications, essentially digital monographs, and they may also contain a large number of images, visualisations and even data as well as integrating with other related digital outputs like a digital archive. Many monographs are outputs from large research projects so publications should be costed in to research proposals and grant applications at the earliest possible stage. With ADS, we have pioneered the idea of the "integrated publication" where there are copious and seamless links between the monograph and a related digital archive.

Review articles

The Editor is interested in reviewing all manner of digital archaeological/heritage content except for books unless they have a very specific computing/digital slant. Most reviews are solicited by the journal Editor, but if you would like to review something for us, just ask! Reviews should be no longer than c.2000 words (but we do consider breaking our own rules sometimes). See our separate reviews section for more information.

“Internet Archaeology [enables] authors to publish their data alongside their publication… this represents what I consider the best means of dissemination that enables a greater understanding of the discussion and its underlying data.” Archaeological specialist, National government (PUBLICAN survey)

Are you planning a publication and do you want to make it an impact? Do you have a research project either under way or in mind? We understand the changing technological and policy environment in which researchers work and the Editor can:

  • assist in all aspects of the development and management of your publication, and help to make your published content FAIR (data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable)
  • help draw up a cost for publication for inclusion in funding applications
  • work with you to turn an idea into a publication
  • work with you regarding data requirements to enable preservation for the long term
  • work on your behalf to promote your publication
  • provide you with post-publication usage statistics to aid your impact tracking
“a...transparent and speedy process from submission to publication - and a personal touch” Academic staff member (PUBLICAN survey)

Timely publication with wide dissemination is something the journal is able to do. Open access publication in Internet Archaeology gives greater visibility to your publication and will assist in your broader dissemination needs, where full(er) publication is a condition of discharge, adding value in the longer term by increasing local knowledge and awareness of archaeology. Internet Archaeology can help you produce wider public benefit than conventional methods of publication. What's more, Internet Archaeology is well-placed to help you meet such needs in one publication. The Editor can

  • assist in all aspects of the development and management of your publication
  • advise on all aspects of the publication process (no question too silly!)
  • provide assistance in the early stages of project planning (our experience has shown the importance of such involvement and of factoring in publication costs at an early stage)
  • work with you to turn an idea into a publication
  • liaise with, and for large projects visit, you/your staff to enable the smooth progression of publication and to make your content FAIR (i.e. data is findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable)
  • undertake the editing, copy editing and proofing (removing this burden from your staff)
  • provide you with post-publication usage statistics to aid your impact tracking
  • work on your behalf to promote your publication
“[Internet Archaeology] is the only journal in archaeology to integrate results and data. Its impact as a force for good and encouraging open access in our discipline cannot be underestimated.” Archaeological specialist, National body (PUBLICAN survey)
“Internet Archaeology has enabled very large datasets to be published and archived in a timely manner, and to reach an international audience, offering unique opportunities for the profession.” Independent researcher (PUBLICAN survey)

3D models: Taylor et al.; Milner et al.; Walsh et al.

Animations: Murphy et al.; Morgan and Scholma-Mason

Audio: Murphy et al.

Clickable maps: Mudd et al.; Groot and Kooistra

Data papers: Smith et al.

Extended summary/visual summary: Walsh et al.; Pitts

Flipbook: Rajic and Howarth

Image gallery: Smith et al.

Integrating data: Cameron et al.; Durham; Johnson et al.

Interactive mapping: Haldenby and Richards

Linking to digital archives/Integrating data from other sources: Mudd et al.; Clarke et al.;

Video: Cameron et al.; Jensen; Baxter

Zoomable images: Corcos et al.; Sterry

As you plan, and certainly before you start to write, think about the underlying structure you might want to deploy and how you might use the linking benefits of the medium. Try to think beyond a linear text with some supplementary images. Readers will not always approach your article from the beginning. It might help to think in visual terms about the final structure e.g. writing hierarchically means important detail can be included `lower down' in the article (after all, depth and the building up of layers and meaning are concepts that every archaeologist is familiar with!). Alternatively, a summary or series of summary sections may also be helpful. You could even consider thinking about the article as a 'wheel' arrangement, with a central hub [main argument] and spokes [supporting data/discussion] radiating outwards. Drawing out or 'storyboarding' your main sections will aid planning. The Editor is also very happy to discuss these ideas with you.

See also: Ten simple rules for structuring papers; Planning and writing guidance from Writing For Research; Inframethodology: Writing Process Reengineering

Style Guide

A publication in Internet Archaeology is flexible in layout and structure, but it is important that contributors adhere to this guidance as they write their draft text to ensure acceptance and subsequent smooth administration. The following elements are essential and some additional specifics to consider while drafting you article are set out below.

  • Title
  • Summary
  • Corresponding author: name, affiliation and address, email/contact details and ORCID identifier
  • Additional authors; name, affiliation and ORCID (contact details optional). We welcome authors who may wish to define their individual roles using the Contributor Roles Taxonomy
  • 5-10 keywords
  • Table of contents
  • List of figures
  • List of tables
  • List of data/other files
  • Main text (with headings and sub-headings to improve readability)
  • Bibliography
  • Acknowledgements & data availability statement


We recommend that authors register an account with Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier (ORCID) and use it for all their publications. We encourage the application and publication of ORCIDs for all authors (not just the corresponding author). An ORCID enables accurate attribution and improves the discoverability of published content.


Identify and select keywords to aid future discovery of your article. It can help to think what others might use in a search engine to find your article. Terms should, where possible, be standardised and based on recognised archaeological thesauri. See the Forum on Information Standards in Heritage.

Text format

Your draft should be in a common word processing format such as Word, or you may share your content with the Editor online e.g. as a shared Google document. Use version control for your (and the Editor's) sanity!


We do not advise that you spend lots of time formatting your article as formatting for the web will happen when the text is marked up for publication. For clarity, headings and sub-headings should be treated as follows. Main section headings should be capitalised, but sub-sections are not e.g.

  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Contemporary Pipemaking in Bristol
    • 2.1 Pipemakers within and immediately adjacent to the study area
    • 2.2 Documentary records
    • 2.3 Archaeological and cartographic evidence

Footnotes, commmas, dates etc

Do not use footnotes. Consider creating a new section in your article for more substantial 'asides'. Please do not use passim, op. Cit, ibid. or vague page ranges, e.g. 283f and 283ff.

Do not worry about things like single or double spaces after full stops. Oxford commas are not insisted upon but may be used where necessary to avoid ambiguities.

Dates: Please use BCE/CE rather than BC/AD.


Your abstract should be interesting and inviting but it should not be a 'teaser'. Ensure your abstract is a clear, concise and coherent reflection of your main discussion points. It is appropriate to include some of your results or analysis.


Do not overcrowd your article with ideas. Ensure you summarise what is already known and what your research adds. Say why this is important and what should happen now. Don't 'front-load' with too much literature and ensure you have a strong conclusion. Ensure you have enough 'signposting' to help the reader find their way through your argument e.g. make headings meaningful and ensure there are enough of them.


In order to accurately locate a site or series of significant sites, ensure to include a location map (or a series of maps). In addition, authors should also provide a Google map link for each significant location (e.g.°57'43.7"N+1°05'13.0"W/@53.9621321,-1.0891347,17z) or the full lat/long coordinates (e.g. 53.962699, -1.085793). Other useful websites:,,,

For larger areas or regions e.g. landscape level surveys, you may either pinpoint the approximate centre point of the area under discussion as above, or supply the bounding box coordinates (see and use the CSV values).


Where it is not obvious, you may insert cues in [square brackets] indicating where you would like links to other files/elements or external websites to be inserted.

When referring to external websites, ensure to use where possible stable URLs that don't change or may disappear (e.g. if the site is prone to regular updating/removal of content). Where content is known or suspected to be ephemeral, then we recommend saving the content via the Wayback Machine. Also see how to cite online resources in References.

Figures (format, size, naming and captions)

There is no limit to the number of figures in your text but you should ensure the number is commensurate with the length of your article (unless you are submitting an image gallery for instance). It is not Internet Archaeology house style to distinguish between figures, maps, drawings, photos etc. All should be labelled figures.

The position of figures within the text should be marked clearly. Figures may be embedded in your text (Word) draft, but all figures should in addition be provided as separate high quality image files. The files should be clearly named (e.g. figure1.png, figure2.png etc.) and numbered according to the order in which they first appear. Ensure each figure is cited in the text. Figures must also have a clear, distinct caption which should be documented in a separate List of Figures along with any necessary credits and any additional copyright information (see below).

In terms of format, high quality PNG files are preferred but JPG or TIF are also accepted formats (Photographs are usually better saved as JPGs with other graphics as PNGs). There is no set size or DPI - the largest version you have is usually best. Quality should not be sacrificed for size (especially where you are using image you can no longer reproduce). A general rule of thumb is to focus on the image's dimensions (so preferably not smaller than 1500px wide) coupled with an eye on file size (under 500 KB) rather than DPI. PNG format is preferred. Detailed figures which may benefit from being 'zoomable' should be supplied as highest quality TIF.


Tables are NOT figures and should be listed in a separate List of Tables. Tables should be delivered either as part of the main text, in a separate Word doc or as an MS Excel file.

Tables must have a clear, distinct caption which should be documented in a separate List of Tables along with any necessary credits and any additional copyright information (also see below).

Tables should not include multiple parts (e.g. 'Table 1a' and 'Table 1b'). These should either be merged into one table, or separated into 'Table 1' and 'Table 2'.

Data/Other (non-text) files

Internet Archaeology adheres to the ADS guidelines on formats for archaeological data. Contact the Internet Archaeology Editor directly and at the earliest opportunity for specific guidance / discussion of any other data formats you wish to include (e.g. video, data files).

All Internet Archaeology content is digitally preserved and archived with the Archaeology Data Service for the long term. You may be asked to supply additional files and documentation (metadata) or to export some files to our preferred or accepted archival formats. Such information will not necessarily be included in the final publication but is required to aid the digital preservation of the content. You are also requested to provide a data availability statement.

Copyright/Licence information

Obtain permission from all other copyright holders at the earliest opportunity to reproduce their work in your article and ensure you know how to give full credit/attribution.

Internet Archaeology disseminates content under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (CC-BY 3.0) licence. Under this licence, authors do not assign their copyright to Internet Archaeology but instead retain ownership of the copyright for their content, and allow anyone to download, reuse, reprint, modify, distribute, and/or copy the content as long as the original authors and the source are cited with re-users making clear the licence terms under which the work was published.

The CC-BY licence does not cover any third party content, only the rights held by the author(s). Permission for publication of all third party content in an article should be sought by authors (at the earliest opportunity) and this content should be clearly attributed once permission is given. It is the author's responsibility to deal with any requests for reproduction fees.

After an article has been accepted for publication, you will be asked to 'sign' a digital licence indicating these terms for your article. Only one digital licence is required per article (usually by the main corresponding author who signs on behalf of all other contributors. Sample captions showing how to acknowledge images with differing licences as follows.

Figure 1: The Winterbourne Stoke landscape. A reconstruction by Eleanor Winter © Historic England.

Figure 2: The Warren Field pit alignment recorded as cropmarks on a rectified oblique aerial photograph. Ref: KC632re (1976 © Crown Copyright RCAHMS 2013. This image is not covered by CC-BY 3.0 and permission will be required for any further use).

Figure 3: Wessex Archaeology magnetometer survey results. Contains data © Wessex Archaeology, reproduced with permission.

Figure 32: The antler piece from Bodal Mose, Åmose (Photograph by Arnold Mikkelsen, Nationalmuseet, CC BY SA

Language Editing

Your draft should be written in English. Please use UK English spellings. Before submitting your draft, and particularly if English is not your first language, you may wish to have it checked by a native speaker. This is not a mandatory step, but it can help to ensure that the academic content is clear and fully understood by both the journal Editor and the referee. Language editing does not guarantee that your draft will be accepted for publication. There are specialist language editing companies that offer such services but note that authors are liable for all costs associated with such services.

Keep your language simple wherever possible. There is some good advice from the Economist Style Guide [PDF].

Internet Archaeology employs the Harvard style of referencing, not footnotes.

The main rule of thumb is to provide as much information as possible. If there is no date, use the abbreviation n.d. Do not abbreviate journal titles. No brackets or full stops around year of publication. Single quotes around journal/chapter titles. Journal/Book titles in italics. Volume numbers in bold. Page number ranges may be elided but full ranges where there may be ambiguity. DOIs where available should be cited in full ( not doi:10.11141/ia.24.8). Distinguish between publications by same author in same year with a,b,c etc. Websites and other digital resources without DOIs should state a Last accessed date.

For help in finding DOIs, you may use the following service from CrossRef.

If a website or digital resource has no DOI, you are encouraged to archive a copy of the page with the Internet Archive's 'Save Page'.

In-Text Citations

Citations are placed in the context of discussion using the first author's last name (or organisation name) and date of publication and page no. if required (e.g. if directly quoting). Where there are two authors, state both surnames and for three or more authors, use first author surname plus et al. Separate a list of citations with ;

Whitaker 2019; Albarella and Davis 1996, 48; Zimmerman et al. 2003; English Heritage 2000)

Ensure there is a full match between the reference list and the parenthetical citation.

Journal articles

Author name(s) Year 'Article title', Publication (in italics) Vol No(in bold) with issue no. in brackets, page nos. and/or DOI.

Allison, P. 2008 'Dealing with legacy data - an introduction', Internet Archaeology 24.

Bradley R. 2006 'Bridging the Two Cultures - Commercial Archaeology and the Study of Prehistoric Britain', The Antiquaries Journal 86, 1-13.

Davidson, C. 2000 'The signs of Doomsday in drama and art', Historical Reflections 26(2), 223-45.

De Rond, M. and Miller, A. 2005 'Publish or perish. Bane or boon of academic life?', Journal of Management Inquiry 14(4), 321-329.

Article/chapter in edited volume/proceedings

Author name(s) Year 'Article title' in Editor name(s) Publication (in italics), Place of publication: publisher. Page nos. and/or DOI or link.

Dell'Unto N. 2016 'Using 3D GIS Platforms to Analyse and Interpret the Past' in M. Forte and S. Campana (eds) Digital Methods and Remote Sensing in Archaeology. Quantitative Methods in the Humanities and Social Sciences, Springer, Cham. 305-322.

Newman, C. 2011 'The sacral landscape of Tara: a preliminary exploration' in R. Schot, C. Newman and E. Breathnach (eds) Landscapes of Cult and Kingship, Dublin: Four Courts Press. 22-43.

Miller, P. and Richards, J. 1995 'The good, the bad and the downright misleading: archaeological adoption of computer visualization' in J. Huggett and N. Ryan (eds) Proceedings of the 22nd CAA Conference, Glasgow, 1994, British Archaeological Reports (Int. Ser.) 600, Oxford: Archaeopress. 19-22.

Murphy, D.T. 2006 'Archaeological acoustic space measurement for convolution reverberation and auralization applications', Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-06), Montreal, Canada, Sep 18–20 2006. 221–26. [Last accessed: 2 March 2016].


Author name(s) Year Publication (in italics), Place of publication: publisher.

Morriss, R.K. 2000 The Archaeology of Buildings, Stroud: Tempus.

Pickering, A. 1995 The Mangle of Practice: Time, Agency, and Science, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Primary sources

Name of the institution responsible for the custody of the record/catalogue, title and reference including any additional identifiers.

University of Aberdeen, Ms 387/3/1/2, 'The Rentall of the College Marischall. 8 November 1716'.


Author name Year Title in italics, Thesis type, Issuing Institution. Repository link if known

Taylor, J.S. 2016 Making Time For Space At Çatalhöyük: GIS as a tool for exploring intra-site spatiotemporality within complex stratigraphic sequences, Unpublished PhD thesis, University of York.

Social media

IntarchEditor 2019, 7 May 'Did you know that Internet Archaeology incorporates the @hypothes_is tool for annotations and comments? Select some text from any published article and try it out. Tell us what you think!' [Tweet]. [Last accessed: 4 Jul 2019]

Teleimmersive Archaeology 2011, 13 Apr 'Cyberarchaeology. Experimenting with Teleimmersive Archaeology' [YouTube] [Last accessed: 5 Jun 2017]

Williams, H.M.R. 2019 'Selling dead bodies and mortuary artefacts in the UK today: Welbeck Hill', Archaeodeath: The Archaeology and Heritage of Death & Memory [blog] [Last accessed: 16 February 2019]

Internet Archaeology 2019, 13 Jun 'If you are planning to submit an article proposal …', [Facebook post] [Last accessed: 4 Jul 2019]

Digital datasets

Datasets in digital repositories should be cited fully in the same way as other bibliographic references and must include authors, year, title of deposit, place of publication/host and DOI or other identifier.

Smith, N., Scholma-Mason, N., Richards, J.D. and Beale, G. 2018 Maeshowe: The Application of RTI to Norse Runes [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Huffer, D., and S. Graham. 2017 Supporting Materials for The Insta-Dead: the rhetoric of the human remains trade on Instagram.

In-text citations of datasets should be as follows: Smith et al. 2018. Additional identifiers can also be added e.g. Smith et al. 2018, inscription 8)

Other digital sources

Beard, M 2011 The Fall of the Roman Republic [Last accessed: 4 July 2019]

CIfA n.d. 'Chartered Archaeologist FAQs', [Last accessed: 4 July 2019]

Crutchley, S. and Crow, P. 2010 The Light Fantastic: Using Airborne LiDAR in Archaeological Survey, Swindon: English Heritage. [Last accessed: 4 May 2018]

EAA 1997 Code of Practice of the European Association of Archaeologists. https://www.e-a- (Last accessed: 29 September 2017)

Poehler, E. and Ellis, S. 2012 'The 2011 Season of the Pompeii Quadriporticus Project: The Southern and Northern Sides', Fasti On Line Documents & Research, No. 249, 1-12. (Last accessed: 23 April 2018)

Valentino-DeVries, J., Singer, N., Keller, M.H. and Krolik, A. 2018 'Your Apps know where you were last night, and they're not keeping it secret', The New York Times, 10 December 2018. [Last accessed: 3 Jan 2019]

'Star Carr' 2019 Wikipedia [Last accessed: 4 Jul 2019]

Walsh, A. 2010 An Investigation of Roman Silver Plate in the San Antonio Museum of Art, Classical Studies Honors Theses, Trinity University, Texas. [Last accessed: 5 Jan 2018]

Authors should provide a statement regarding how the article and/or research was funded e.g. "This work was supported by [organisation] as part of [project name] [grant number]" . Your research funder may supply you with their preferred wording. This information is often captured at the proposal stage but may be added later.

Where work has not been funded by any specific project grant, please simply use "This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors."

Authors should use persistent identifiers (e.g. DOIs, ORCIDs etc) wherever possible.

Unless already provided as part of the submitted article, the (supplementary) data underlying what is reported in accepted submissions should be deposited in an appropriate subject-specific repository (e.g. ADS) to help increase compliance with the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable). The data must be deposited under an open licence that permits unrestricted access (e.g. CC-BY). When specific legal or ethical requirements prohibit public sharing of a dataset, authors must indicate how researchers may obtain access to the data.

Internet Archaeology is a PCI Archaeology friendly journal and will take PCI reviews and recommendations into account but may carry out further peer review and we always want to discuss and assess digital implementation.

Authors should provide a Data Availability statement outlining where data may be found. This statement will be published with the summary as part of the accepted article. If authors did not collect data themselves but used another source, that source must be credited as appropriate. The statement must specify the title, location and DOI of the data sets used, and if the data is restricted, then reasoning should be given.

Related digital archive: Whittaker, C. 2019 Breedon Hill, Leicestershire: Geophysical surveys [data-set], York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

The data presented here is available from [title] hosted by [repository] released under a CC-BY 4.0 licence [link], and consists of ASCII data relating to the geophysical survey, environmental survey, archaeozoological data and artefact assemblages.

The data described in this article are openly available from [title] hosted by Zenodo [DOI]

The data used to support the findings of this study are included within the article.

If in doubt, please direct queries to the journal Editor.

Internet Archaeology supports Open Badges and will assign badges to all qualifying articles on publication, but authors may suggest which badge they feel is most appropriate for their submission.

Submitting your Draft

When you submit a proposal, you will also be sent a link to a shared Google drive where you will be able to upload your files. Only once you have received an acceptance in principle, do we expect you to upload content to this area. Documents and files may also be sent to the Editor - - but we prefer you to use the Google drive wherever possible. If you are unable to access the Google drive for any reason, then the University of York's Drop-Off system is available (access can be arranged on request). All submissions will be acknowledged by email as soon as possible after receipt.

A quick submission checklist. Do you have...

  • An abstract, including your title, all author(s), ORCIDs and their affiliations, and email address(es)
  • A list of keywords
  • Data availability / funding statements
  • A table of contents
  • A list of figures (with full attribution for any 3rd party content used including any differing licence requirements)
  • A list of tables if required
  • A list of other files if required
  • Main article text (either as a single file or as a series of files)
  • Bibliography with DOIs where possible
  • Any acknowledgements
  • Image files. PNG, TIF, JPG are all acceptable formats. PNG or TIF is preferred (and at the largest size/resolution you have)
  • Ensure you have corresponded with the Editor prior to submission for specific guidance regarding other media. The journal adheres to the ADS guidelines on preferred formats for archaeological data. While objects hosted elsewhere on 3rd party infrastructure sites can potentially be embeded within articles (e.g. Sketchfab), please remember that unless we have the data (files), we can't undertake to preserve them.

After submission, you may also be asked to supply additional files and information (metadata) beyond what will appear in the published article. This is to aid preservation of the content by the Archaeology Data Service. You may also be asked to provide a statement on how any underlying research materials can be accessed if this information is not already provided.

Internet Archaeology is a 'Gold' open access journal and a one-time fee (+ VAT where applicable) is charged per published article. The publication fee (also known as an APC, an article processing charge) helps the journal to recover the costs of publication (essential for the long term sustainability of the journal) while providing free and open access for readers to use and re-use content, and to manage that digital content into the future.

Costs should, wherever possible, be recovered from the organisation or institutional body who has funded the archaeological investigation or research. Costs should be planned as much as possible at the outset of any given project or research. We appreciate your assistance both in making enquiries to potential funding bodies and in applying for funds. We are able to accommodate invoicing so that costs can be split between authors from different institutions.

How much is the fee?

Fees are charged per article and billed upon acceptance (after a successful referee stage). All authors are required to consider how their publication costs can be covered, either by a research sponsor or other source (e.g. developer, sponsor, charitable trust). Your assistance is appreciated both in making enquiries and in applying for funds (also called APCs). Our APCs are not fixed since articles can vary widely in both length and technical requirements, and so the charge is commensurate with length, technical requirements and long-term management costs. An estimate can be calculated from your proposal but is open to a certain amount of refinement once content has been firmed up, but for illustration and basic budgeting, an 'average' simple article may cost c.£1800 (plus VAT where applicable).

The APC enables us to ensure the long-term sustainability of the journal. Considering that authors can deposit all manner of digital data and formats (of any size and quantity) and that the journal undertakes to archive every element in each publication, we believe that the APC offers good value.

Where can I seek funding?

In the UK, if your research is funded by one of the Research Councils e.g. AHRC, ESPRC, NERC then APCs can usually be covered via your University's central open access funds (also known as the block grant. Just ask your institutional librarian for more details). Note that these funds are often capped so may not cover the costs of a richer publication (e.g. a longer, more complex article or monograph, but also articles with interactive components, GIS or searchable database). This is why we recommend that you include costs, including the preparation of data for publication but also the work involved in its publication, in your grant application as a Directly Incurred Other Cost.

Researchers may also have access to other publication funds at department level. In our experience, it is always worth asking!

If you are considering applying for a research grant, then please talk to us first to get an estimate. Publication costs like monograph and data publication costs are usually permissible in grant applications (but such funds are infinitely harder to find later on if they are not included in the initial application).

For other/non-academic authors, the BAJR Funding Sources guide or the Heritage Funding Directory may provide other archaeological organisations that may help support publication costs. In the UK, for developer-funded projects, the WSI (Written Scheme of Investigation) should include the publication plans, and the scope and attendant costs of publication should be clearly stated. The journal Editor will happily provide costs to authors for this purpose. Note that in Scotland, publication should be costed for and built into assessment or project designs.


The decision to accept an article in principle is independent of payment/ability to pay. Waivers will be considered on a case-by-case basis but will only be available as staffing and resources allow. Authors may be eligible to apply to our Open Access Archaeology fund (as long as donation levels permit). Please indicate you plan to do this in your proposal and note that your application to this fund requires you to have had your proposal accepted and for there to be a draft ready to submit. Applications to the fund may be submitted at any time but are just reviewed 3 times a year.

Peer Review, Production and Publication

Internet Archaeology operates a two-stage review process. Proposals are initially screened and if accepted in principle, articles then undergo double-blind peer-review once a full draft is submitted. The Editor decides whether a proposal is appropriate to take forward to in-depth peer review, usually in consultation with members of the journal's Advisory committee. We aim to return an initial decision on proposals within 10 working days.

Once a full draft is received, the Editor selects referees for the content. Referees are not chosen from a selected editorial board but rather on the basis of their research expertise and interests. The Editor oversees the peer-review process.

Revision requests are consolidated. The Editor compiles the referee comments, refining feedback, and strives to provide clear and concise guidance to authors. We aim to deliver decisions after peer review within 4-6 weeks of receiving the full draft. Separate arrangements may have to be made for longer, more complex submissions and themed issues.

A set of guidelines for referees has been complied. Potential authors may also find them useful as a checklist before submission.

Authors have the opportunity to view their draft online as it develops in advance of publication. Changes will be permitted up until the point of publication but not thereafter.

Content is ordinarily published as a series of interlinked HTML files with embedded images and multimedia, designed for online reading on a PC or a tablet. PDFs will not be routinely provided. If this is something you require, you must let the journal Editor know as early as possible.

Internet Archaeology is a RoMEO Green publisher which means you are free to deposit/repost your accepted author copy wherever you see fit, and you can deposit it in other repositories without requiring any additional permission (although note that the form and nature of the outputs that are published in Internet Archaeology are not always well suited to being loaded into a repository). For those UK academic authors who are required to deposit publications in institutional repositories, the 'gold OA' exception maybe used, especially for richer, digital articles e.g. with 3D models etc.

“Internet Archaeology addresses an important rapidly evolving challenge in publishing digital data content. Being a digital publication Internet Archaeology is able to adapt to novel data challenges way beyond the capabilities of traditional paper publications. The move to Open Access removes one of the key barriers to valuing, sharing and re-using data.” Independent researcher in National government (PUBLICAN survey)

The final version of your article is the online, published HTML version with all its other elements. Internet Archaeology does not publish content as a PDF nor is a PDF routinely provided to authors after publication. In many cases, the complete article cannot be squeezed into such a format.

Promoting your article

What Internet Archaeology does: When an article is published, the Internet Archaeology Editor creates a CrossRef DOI. This is then added as a new record in the ADS Library and online indices like the Directory of Open Access Journals and ScienceOpen. The Editor will also promote your article via relevant subject email lists, via the Internet Archaeology Twitter and Facebook channels as well as on other relevant Facebook groups. The new publication is also added to the journal RSS feed, and social media mentions are tracked by Altmetric.

What you can do: You can be your own steward of communication around your publication/research. Actively explaining and sharing your work can increase views by up to 23% (see Repost, re-share Internet Archaeology's posts about your article and comment where you see queries about or references to your research. See Strategies to Get Your Research Mentioned Online. Authors who even lightly promote their own content tend to have higher Altmetric scores and highly-tweeted papers tend to have a higher number of overall citations. Using snappy, intuitive hashtags in your posts can also help. You could even set up an ImpactStory profile to start monitoring the effect of your outreach activity. Depending on the scale of the project, you could also work with your university press team to boost publicity via press releases and blog posts. Something as small as sharing a link to your publication in your email signature will also have an impact. Also see Toby Green's blog on Publication is not enough, to generate impact you need to campaign.

Finally, it would make the Editor's day if could post at least once about your (hopefully positive) experiences of publishing with the journal on social media.

Internet Archaeology is hosted on a series of servers (shared with the Archaeology Data Service) at the University of York so all published content is routinely backed-up, both on and off-site. In addition, the final published version of each article and all its associated elements (the 'data') are catalogued, deposited and archived with the Archaeology Data Service, in the same way as any other fieldwork archive submitted directly to the ADS for example.

The ADS follows the Open Archival Information System (OAIS) reference model. Before being copied to the archive, the data will undergo several checks as part of the ingest process. These checks include, for example:

  • Scanning for viruses
  • Checking file formats and names adhere to our policies
  • Checking that files are openable and readable

Once the Digital Archivist accessioning the data has confirmed that the files are safe, accessible and reusable, they then copy the files as a collection to a dedicated preservation file server under a unique collection and accession id number. The original files are kept safe but a copy of the archive is also made which is specifically for preservation purposes. This copy contains the same data, but the files may be converted to different formats depending on what is deemed most suitable for long-term preservation of the information they contain and embody. Further information on how the ADS manages data can be found in the Preservation Policy and Repository Procedures.

Get in Touch

Correspondence may be sent to:

Judith Winters
Editor, Internet Archaeology
Department of Archaeology
University of York

Download a PDF version (November 2023) of these guidelines, although minor updates are constantly made, so please regard the HTML online version as the definitive version. Any other questions? Check out our Author FAQs or email us.

Internet Archaeology is an open access journal based in the Department of Archaeology, University of York. Except where otherwise noted, content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 (CC BY) Unported licence, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided that attribution to the author(s), the title of the work, the Internet Archaeology journal and the relevant URL/DOI are given.

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