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Site B - Contexts within periods at Cricklade

PeriodContext SectionBrief description
0251, 2natural subsoil underlying bank
161 centre ditch (recut period 2A & 2C)
241inner ditch (recut period 2A & 2C)
101, 2primary defensive bank
171, 2front turf revetment of bank
46 rear turf revetment of bank
2A61centre ditch recut (recut further in period 2C)
241inner ditch recut (recut further in period 2C)
191, 2clay behind wall, within [50]
411, 2clay behind wall, within [50]
501, 2void cut into front of bank for insertion of wall
622turf layer within [50]
2B401, 2mixed mortar, clay & stones on berm
2C61recut ditch
241mixed mortar, clay & stones on berm
3A71stones filling ditch [6]
91stones filling ditch [24]
221, 2stone & mortar rubble on line of destroyed wall
391, 2stone & mortar rubble on berm
452stone & mortar rubble on berm
55 stone & mortar rubble on berm
61 stone & mortar rubble on berm
3B151clay infill of ditch [24]
181, 2clay & earth overlying 3A deposits
201dark turf
521clay infill of ditch [24]
541clay infill of ditch [6]
4A111ditch to rear of bank
301, 2layer within palisade trench [34]
311layer within ditch [11]
331loose stones within [34]
341, 2palisade trench
362layer within [34]
371, 2ditch cut into deposits of berm
381lower fill of ditch [11]
422fill of [37]
432layer within [34]
481layer within [11]
491layer within [11]
58 part fill of [34]
59 part fill of [34]
602part fill of [34]
4B141upper fill of ditch [11]
161part fill of ditch [11]
281, 2recut ditch on line of [37]
291, 2layer within [34] (?period 2A)
331stones within [34] (?period 2A)
471layer within ditch [11]
5231clay layer over centre berm
35 lens of clay
53 gully
AREAS 2, 2A & 4
PeriodContextSection Brief description
05114, 5, 6subsoil under bank
5605subsoil under bank, same as [511]
5434, 6topsoil under intra-mural walkway [520]
15026front turf revetment to bank
5152, 3, 6primary clay bank
5204, 6laid stones of intra-mural walkway
522 turf dump in bank
530 lens of charcoal within bank
5424rear turf revetment of bank
5613front turf revetment of bank
5623clay of bank
556trench 4, area 4outer Saxon ditch
557trench 4, area 4clay fill of [556]
2A5066recut ditch (recut further in period 2C)
5373recut ditch (recut further in period 2C)
5396recut ditch (recut further in period 2C)
5514stones of wall in situ
5675stones of wall in situ
568stones of wall in situ - lowest front course
5524void cut into front revetment to receive wall
5695void cut into front revetment to receive wall
5536clay on centre berm - ?redeposited from ditch
2B5264, 6stones & clay
5464clay & stones in erosion hollow on inner berm
2C5066recut ditch
5373recut ditch
5396recut ditch
3A5046mixed stones, clay earth & mortar on berm
5126, 4mixed stones, clay earth & mortar on berm
5144mixed stones, clay earth & mortar on berm
5166mixed stones, clay earth & mortar on berm
5174mixed stones, clay earth & mortar on berm
524 mixed stones, clay earth & mortar on berm
5283mixed stones, clay earth & mortar on berm
5323mixed stones, clay earth & mortar on berm
5454mixed stones, clay earth & mortar on berm
5655mixed stones, clay earth & mortar on berm
5665mixed stones, clay earth & mortar on berm
5293stones filling inner ditch [537]
5366stones filling inner ditch [539]
5496stones filling centre ditch [506]
3B5056earthy clay over berm & ditch
5274, 6earthy clay to rear of bank
5283earth & small stones on centre berm
5323stones & mortar
5356clay fill of ditch [539]
5474gritty earth & clay over 3A deposits on berm
5486upper clay fill of centre ditch [506]
5496lower clay fill of centre ditch [506]
4A5036palisade trench
507trench 4 area 4fill of ditch
518 palisade trench
5194ditch on line of inner Saxon ditch
521fill of ditch
5336fill of ditch [554]
5344palisade trench
5414fill of ditch [509]
5444fill of palisade trench [534]
5506fill of palisade trench [503]
5635fill of palisade trench [564]
5645palisade trench
4B5103fill of ditch [533]
5234recut ditch on line of [509]
5316fill of ditch [555]
5556recut ditch
55086weathering products over inner berm
525 dark earth
PeriodContextSection -
(see section 7)
Brief description
0602subsoil sealed under bank
603subsoil/natural Oxford clay
1601primary clay bank
605lenses of charcoal within bank
620lenses of charcoal within bank
612front turf revetment
608ditch (recut in period 2A & 2C)
609ditch (recut in period 2A & 2C)
2A608inner ditch (recut in period 2C)
609centre ditch (recut in period 2C at higher level - [628])
615rear course of added wall in situ
618?mortar-mixing pit on berm in front of wall
625clay on berm
2B617stoney clay on berm
623clay in centre ditch [609]
626clay on outer edge of inner ditch [608]
2C608recut inner ditch
628recut centre ditch
3A607mixed stones & clay over berm
614stones filling inner ditch [608]
616stones in centre ditch [609]
3B607mixed stones/clay over berm
613upper fill of ditch [608]
621part fill of ditch [628]
624part fill of ditch [628]
4A604palisade trench
606fill of [604]
619fill of ditch [627]
627ditch cut along line of inner Saxon ditch
4Bno contexts
5629earthy clay

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Last updated: Mon Jul 7 2003