Table of Figures

Figure 1: North Yorkshire County Council SMR/HER area from April 1997, with Selby District highlighted. Crown Copyright North Yorkshire County Council Licence No. 100017946 (2005)

Figure 2: Example of the vector conversion model for the Currency (Cu) Medieval (Me) ADI process

Figure 3: Screen Shot from ArcView 3.3 showing the vector data for the highlighted civil parish of Cawood

Figure 4: Screen shot from ArcView 3.3 showing the raster data for the CuMe ADI Process for the project area

Figure 5: Example of the dataset specific ADI model for the Currency (Cu) Medieval (Me) ADI process

Figure 6: The raster grid created for the 100 metre precision level for the Currency (Cu) Medieval (Me) ADI process

Figure 7: The raster grid created for the kilometre precision level for the Currency (Cu) Medieval (Me) ADI process

Figure 8: The raster grid created for the parish precision level for the Currency (Cu) Medieval (Me) ADI process

Figure 9: The Currency (Cu) Medieval (Me) ADI layer created from the data in Figures 8, 9 and 10

Figure 10: ArcView screen grab showing the point data as created by Grid Machine. The Grid_Code field shows the ADI value

Figure 11: Example data from the Access table showing the various ADI fields with their associated data

Figure 12: ArcView screen grab showing the DCADIV4 data for the highlighted 100 metre square. Crown Copyright North Yorkshire County Council Licence No. 100017946 (2005)

Figure 13: An example of the DCADIV4 mapping on a field which totals all the medieval ADIs

Figure 14: An example of the DCADIV4 mapping on a field which totals all the Dress and Personal accessories ADIs


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Last updated: Wed April 25 2007