4.4.26 Hartlepool

Hartlepool has traditionally been associated with the monastery at Heruteu, established in the 640s. The recovery of a sequence of inscribed stones in the 19th century has confirmed this identification. Excavations on Church Walk in 1972 and 1976 recovered a substantial Middle Saxon cemetery associated with the monastery. Excavations at Church Close in 1984 revealed a number of small timber buildings, with an initial period of post-in-trench and post-hole construction followed by the insertion of stone footings in the mid-8th century. These buildings are much smaller than the normal 'halls' and have been interpreted as monastic cells. A substantial palisade enclosed part of the monastic precinct. The finds indicate that non-ferrous metals, including silver, were being worked, as well as enamel. The VASLE dataset is derived from the published reports.

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