The Anglo-Saxon pottery from Site 28 has been assigned to one of seven major fabric groups, which were divided into a number of sub-groups, based on a simple macroscopic examination. These groups were established for the assemblage from the Anglo-Saxon settlement at West Heslerton, c. 2.5km to the west (Powlesland et al. in prep.). No new fabric types have been identified in the Site 28 assemblage.
Sandstone-tempered sherds formed the largest major fabric group (SST: 79 sherds weighing 509.25g), making up 66% (by weight) of the assemblage. This group was followed by calcite (CALCT: 23 sherds weighing 111g). Only one sherd (28g) was identified as Charnwood-tempered (CHARN) and there were none identified as organic-tempered (ECHAF). In comparison, CHARN made up c. 14% of the assemblage at West Heslerton and ECHAF c. 10%. This difference is probably a result of the small size of the sample from Site 28 (only three out of a possible c. 150-200 Grubenhäuser defined by geophysical survey have been investigated), given the similarities in the other fabric types.
A total of 23 sherds (weighing 111g) was identified as calcite-tempered, representing a maximum of 20 vessels. The calcite has frequently dissolved out to leave voids in a quartz sandstone matrix, varying in size and density from occasional to frequent inclusions and/or voids. Other inclusions present in this fabric include occasional to common quartz, sandstone, iron or organic. This pottery forms the second largest fabric group from the excavation, comprising 14% of the total assemblage by sherd weight.
A single sherd (weighing 28g) contained inclusions of acid igneous rock and occasional to common biotite. Other inclusions present in this fabric group include occasional to common quartz, occasional sandstone or organic.
Four sherds (weighing 11.75g), from different vessels, were identified as oolitic limestone-tempered. This fabric is characterised by moderate to frequent oolitic limestone inclusions. A wide range of other inclusions is also present, including occasional iron, quartz, sandstone and organic.
In total, five sherds (weighing 16.5g), from different vessels, were identified as fossiliferous limestone-tempered. This fabric is characterised by moderate to frequent fossiliferous limestone inclusions. A wide range of other inclusions is also present, including occasional ooliths, iron, organic, quartz, shell and bone.
Three sherds (weighing 33.5g), and representing a maximum of two vessels, were identified as rounded quartz-tempered. This fabric is characterised by rounded or sub-rounded quartz inclusions, with occasional to common rounded flint, iron, sandstone, limestone and ooliths.
In total, 79 sherds (weighing 505.25g) and representing a maximum of 48 vessels were identified as sandstone-tempered. The fabric is characterised by common to frequent quartz sandstone inclusions. A wide range of other inclusions is also present, including occasional chalk or limestone, calcite, iron and muscovite. This pottery forms the largest fabric group on the site, comprising 66% of the assemblage by sherd weight.
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Last updated: Wed Nov 11 2009