Appendix 1: The Anglo-Saxon Pottery

Summary | Fabrics | Vessel form | Decoration | Surface treatment | Method of manufacture | Fragmentation | Catalogue

Appendix 1.3 Vessel form

Early Anglo-Saxon pottery is characterised by a relatively limited range of vessel forms, with two major categories that are generally referred to as bowls (open forms) and jars (closed forms). Most sherds in the assemblage from Site 28 were too small to indicate the form of the vessel from which they derived. Although there were no complete profiles in the assemblage, it is possible to distinguish the form of several vessels. One neck-sherd derives from a sub-biconical or globular shaped vessel (028AA00029BL). Another body-sherd probably derives from a straight-sided (or straight-sided ovoid) shaped vessel (028AA00034LY).

There were only five rim-sherds (50.5g) in the assemblage, which were classified by rim-form based on a type-series established for West Heslerton (Powlesland et al. in prep.). Three of the rim-sherds were short vertical rims, which are generally from vessels that are curved or globular but also straight-sided ovoid in shape (028AA00027MU, 028AA00027MY and 028AA00029QL). The other two rim-sherds were simple everted forms and are not in themselves diagnostic of vessel form (028AA00011JW and 028AA00037CF). Only one possible (flat) base-sherd was defined (028AA00059AF).


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