4. Introduction to Moesgård Museum

Having introduced the concepts of narrative, digital creativity and media form we shall now seek to understand how the modern museum of Moesgård has implemented these aspects into the design of two of its exhibits. The purpose of this section is to demonstrate that although Moesgård is one of the most digitally intensive, creative and innovative heritage sites open to the public, the narrative structures implemented are still largely traditional forms.

Figure 1
Figure 1: Moesgård Museum

Moesgård Museum (MOMU) is a heritage institution for archaeology and anthropology (Figure 1), located in Aarhus, Denmark (MOMU 2016). The museum has gained international renown owing to the innovative implementation of visual, audio, interactive and tactile design in the various exhibits, many of which employ digital media in various forms to facilitate the experience (Smith 2013; Otto 2014). This fantastic array of engaging narratives is done through a mixture of displays – both interactive and static – which interpolate between the archaeological and anthropological artefacts and the narratives of the people who created, used or subsequently interpreted them. The museum is set out so as to have several discrete narrative tracks that operate independently, yet often interpolate back to each other through careful use of spatial design and thematic progression. Below we will be looking at two individual and digital narrative slices that can be identified in the museum.


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