List of Tables

Smith's Subscribers. The dataset can also be downloaded as .xlsx

Table 1: List of subscribers to 11 of Charles Roach Smith's archaeological volumes

Table 2: Numbers of subscribers by volume

Table 3: Number identifying as clergy

Table 4: Fellowships of the Royal Society, Society of Antiquaries and Royal Geographical Society

Table 5: Other memberships and fellowships listed

Table 6: Membership of British Archaeological Association and/or Archaeological Institute listed

Table 7: Membership of French Societies listed

Table 8: Membership of Numismatic Society listed

Table 9: Official archaeological and/or museum title listed

Table 10: Female subscribers

Table 11: Numbers of subscribers by country

Table 12: Numbers of subscribers by counties/regions

Table 13: Numbers of subscriptions by person

Table 14: University or other qualifications listed

Table 15: Subscribers identifying as nobles/baronets/knights

Table 16: Institutional subscribers

Table 17: Subscribers recording university or college affiliation

Table 18: List of titles recorded

Table 19: Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (ODNB) entries

Table 20: Approximate value of subscriptions by volume


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