Figure 1: Translation of a graffito found at La Graufesenque (after Vernhet and Bémont 1990-1, 12). Note the header with the names of those responsible for the kiln firing, and that it was the 6th firing of the kiln in that year, on 17 August. The dish on which the graffito was inscribed was stamped by Rufus iii, c. 65-95 CE.
Figure 2: Graph showing comparisons between percentage of vessels represented on all graffiti recorded by Marichal with 'complete' graffiti. Sources Datasheet 1 and Marichal (1988, 259).
Figure 3: Pie chart showing percentages of vessel names on all graffiti recorded by Marichal (1988). Source Datasheet 2.
Figure 4: Pie chart showing percentages of shapes of vessel derived from graffiti recorded by Marichal (1988). Source Datasheet 2.
Figure 5a: Pie chart showing percentages of all stamped vessels recorded in graffiti as made at La Graufesenque. Drag. 24 etc. = cup. Source RGZM database and Datasheet 3.
Figure 5b: Pie chart showing percentages of actual stamped vessels found at the site of La Graufesenque. Drag. 24 etc. = cup. Source RGZM database and Datasheet 3.
Figure 5c: Pie chart showing percentages of total known stamped vessels exported from La Graufesenque. Drag. 24 etc. = cup. Source RGZM database and Datasheet 3.
Figure 6a: Pie chart showing percentages of all stamped vessels recorded in graffiti as made at La Graufesenque. Drag. 24 etc. = small bowl or dish. Source RGZM database and Datasheet 3.
Figure 6b: Pie chart showing percentages of actual stamped vessels found at the site of La Graufesenque. Drag. 24 etc. = small bowl or dish. Source RGZM database and Datasheet 3.
Figure 6c: Pie chart showing percentages of total known stamped vessels exported from La Graufesenque (Drag. 24 etc. = small bowl or dish). Source RGZM database and Datasheet 3.
Figure 7: Graph showing percentages of forms from verified stamped vessels. Source RGZM database and Datasheet 4. Db = RGZM database. LG = La Graufesenque. The term 'Net exports' is explained in the text.
Figure 8a: Graph showing percentages of various shapes of stamped vessels occurring on selected sites. Drag. 24 etc. = small bowl or dish. Source RGZM database and Datasheet 5.
Figure 8b: Graph showing percentages of various forms of stamped cup-shaped vessels occurring on selected sites. Source RGZM database and Datasheet 5.
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