Brough Welton Road Contexts

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Records returned: 1 - 25 of 46 for 'Grouping = G'

Period Period.phase Grouping Type Context number
7 7.1 G ploughsoil 10
9 9.1 G topsoil 14
6 6.1 G layer 84
0 1.0 G undist natural? 86
6 6.1 G rubble 96
5 5.1 G surface 97
5 5.1 G gravel surface 107
5 5.1 G sample of 107 108
5 5.1 G post pit 160
5 5.1 G fill of 160 161
5 5.1 G packing 162
5 5.1 G sample of 161 163
5 5.1 G drain capping 175
5 5.1 G drain lining 176
5 5.1 G fill of 176 177
6 6.1 G layer 187
5 5.1 G pit 210
5 5.1 G fill of 210 211
5 5.1 G sample of 211 212
5 5.1 G sample of 177 213
3 3.1 G ditch 228
3 3.1 G fill of 228 229
3 3.1 G sample of 229 230
3 3.1 G ditch 231
3 3.1 G upper fill of 231 232

See the phase/period and group breakdown for further details. The links under Grouping will pull up all other contexts assigned to the same group. The letters under grouping refer to the 1991 evaluation trenches.


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Last updated: Wed Mar 28 2003