The Roman Pottery |
Introduction | Spatial distribution | Stratified occurrence | Methodology | Pottery database |
Welton Road, Brough, Pottery Fabrics | The Stratigraphic Context of the Pottery | Form codes as used in database |
Samian from Brough |
Local Pottery | Mortaria | Amphorae | Pottery Forms |
Quantities and deposition | Brough local production | Mortaria | Amphorae | Forms |
Spatial distribution | Stratified occurrence | Mortarium stamp | | Main coarse wares |
Stratified occurrence | Vessel types | The Brough mortaria | | Nene Valley colour-coated wares |
Forms | Background | | | Samian Forms |
Dating | The Brough repertoire |
Catalogue of decorated samian ware from Brough | The Brough mortaria |
Catalogue of potters' stamps on samian from Brough | Reduced wares |
| Conclusions |