Context 1006 Sample 1 [dump - 1.12.6]
Moist, mid to dark brown (internally mid to dark grey-brown), crumbly to
unconsolidated, sandy silt, with very small to medium-sized (2-60 mm)
stones present. Modern rootlets were also noted.
Context 1019 Sample 2 [dump -
Moist, mid to dark grey-brown, crumbly, slightly sandy, clay silt, with
clasts/lenses of light buff sand. Very small stones (2-6 mm) and modern
rootlets were present.
Context 1044 Sample 6 [backfill
- 1.27.22]
Just moist, mid to dark grey (with brownish tinges in places), unconsolidated
(working crumbly and soft), silty sand.
Context 1045 Sample 5 [backfill
- 1.11.2]
Moist, mid to dark grey-brown, crumbly (working soft), slightly sandy, clay
silt, with very small to large (2->60 mm) stones present. Modern roots
and rootlets were also present.
Context 1050 Sample 7 [backfill;
natural - 1.27.22]
Moist, mid brownish-grey, with lighter mottles (to 1 mm), unconsolidated to
crumbly (working soft), slightly clay, silty sand. A few dark reddish-brown
lumps of ?iron pan and very small (2-6 mm) stones were present.
Context 1055 Sample 9 [backfill
- 1.11.2]
Moist, mid to dark brownish-grey, crumbly (working soft), slightly stony, sandy
silt, with very small to large (2->60 mm) stones. Fragments of
charcoal, oyster shell and rootlets were also present.
Context 1061 Sample 10
[backfill - 1.11.2]
Moist, light to mid grey, unconsolidated (working crumbly), slightly sandy,
clay silt. Very small to large (2->60 mm) stones and large mammal bone
were present.
Context 1094 Sample 11 [grave
fill - 1.9.12]
Wet, light brown, light grey, mid to dark grey, dark grey, unconsolidated
(working plastic), moderately stony sandy clay, with inclusions of buff and
orange sand. Very small (2-6 mm) stones were abundant; fragments of burnt
bone were present. Modern rootlets were also noted.
Context 1094 Sample 12 [grave
fill - 1.9.12]
Wet, light brown, light grey, mid to dark grey, dark grey, unconsolidated
(working plastic), moderately stony sandy clay, with inclusions of buff and
orange sand. Very small (2-6 mm) stones were abundant; fragments of burnt
bone were present. Modern rootlets were also noted.
Context 1103 Sample 13 [natural
- 1.27.15]
Moist, light to mid grey-brown (with lighter/darker orange mottles to 1 mm),
unconsolidated (working soft), silty sand, with small (6-20 mm) stones
Context 1106 Sample 14 [natural
fill - 1.27.15]
Moist, light to mid slightly greyish-brown (with mid grey to orange mottles to
10 mm), crumbly, slightly brittle and soft sand.
Context 1113 Sample 15 [natural
fill - 1.8.6]
Moist, light to mid grey-brown, crumbly to unconsolidated, silty sand, with
small (6-20mm) stones present.
Context 1118 Sample 16 [natural
- 1.27.15]
Moist, buff, orange, grey-brown (in equal amounts), unconsolidated to crumbly
(working just soft), silty sand, with fragments of charcoal present.
Context 1132 Sample 19 [natural
backfill - 1.6.8]
Moist, mid grey-brown, unconsolidated to soft, silty sand.
Context 1137 Sample 22 [natural
backfill 1.6.8]
Moist, light to mid grey-brown, unconsolidated (working soft), slightly clay,
sandy silt. Very small (2-6 mm) and medium-sized (20-60 mm) stones,
and fragments of pottery were present.
Context 1187 Sample 25
[backfill, natural - 1.6.6]
Moist, light brown and light grey (in equal amounts), crumbly to
unconsolidated, slightly clay sand. Medium-sized (20-60 mm) stones,
charcoal and medium mammal bone were present.
Context 1194 Sample 28
[levelling - 1.21.5]
Moist, mid brown to mid grey-brown, crumbly to unconsolidated, slightly clay,
silty sand.
Context 1197 Sample 27
[backfill, natural - 1.6.4]
Moist, light yellow-brown and light grey (equal amounts), unconsolidated,
slightly silty sand, with very small (2-6 mm) stones.
Context 1206 Sample 31
[natural, backfill - 1.20.14]
Moist, mid grey, unconsolidated to crumbly (working soft), slightly clay, silty
sand, with clasts of buff sand (to 1 mm). Fragments of ?mortar and charcoal
were present.
Context 1207 Sample 34 [natural
fill - 1.20.16]
Wet, grey-brown (with orange mottles), soft, sand.
Context 1235 Sample 39 [natural
fill - 1.20.12]
Moist, light to mid grey-brown, crumbly to unconsolidated, silty sand.
Context 1247 Sample 43
[backfill - 1.36.8]
Moist, mid to dark grey-brown, crumbly to unconsolidated sandy silt. Fragments
of snail shells and ?modern roots and rootlets were present.
Context 1249 Sample 41
[backfill - 1.27.17]
Wet, mid to dark grey (with mottles of orange and black) soft sand, with flint
stones present. Modern roots were also noted.
Context 1252 Sample 44
[backfill - 1.36.8]
Moist, mid to dark purplish-grey, soft to crumbly (working slightly plastic),
slightly sandy, silty clay, with traces of very rotted shell. Modern rootlets
were also noted.
Context 1254 Sample 45
[natural, backfill - 1.20.8]
Moist, light to mid greyish-yellow-orange, with some grey patchiness,
unconsolidated and soft (?originally layered in field, but lost through
trowelling) sand. Medium-sized and large (20->60 mm) stones were
Context 1255 Sample 46 [grave
fill - 1.9.21]
Moist, yellowish-grey-brown, with lighter and darker mottles (to 10 mm),
unconsolidated, silty sand. Charcoal and burnt bone were present.
Context 1261 Sample 47
[undisturbed natural - 1.1.2]
Moist, light yellow-grey to light orange-yellow, unconsolidated sand, with
clasts of ?burnt orange-red sand.
Context 1277 Sample 49
[backfill - 1.36.8]
Moist, shades of grey, from light grey to black, with chalk flecks (to 1 mm),
brittle to crumbly (working plastic to soft), clay silt, with fine and coarse
herbaceous detritus. Very small (2-6 mm) stones were present.
Context 1288 Sample 50 [natural
- 1.34.4]
Moist, light buff to light/mid grey-brown to mid grey-brown, with a small
amount of mid orange-brown, unconsolidated to crumbly, silty sand. Very small
(2-6 mm) stones were present.
Context 1321 Sample 62
[levelling, dump - 1.23.1]
Moist, mid to dark grey-brown, unconsolidated (working soft), slightly clay,
silty sand, with very small to medium-sized (2-60 mm) stones.
Context 1327 Sample 70 [grave
fill - 1.31.70]
Moist, dark grey, with yellowish cast, brittle (working crumbly and soft),
silty sand. Roots, ?ash, charcoal (perhaps much fine charcoal) and an iron
object were present.
Context 1385 Sample 75 [grave
fill - 1.29.28]
Dry, light brown, unconsolidated, slightly sandy silt, with modern rootlets.
Burnt animal bone was abundant.
Context 1440 Sample 77 [natural
fill - 1.18.4]
Moist, mid greyish-yellow, crumbly and soft, sand, with areas of more pure
yellow sand and greyish (?humic) patches. Modern seedlings were present.
Context 1474 Sample 78 [use -
Moist, light to mid grey-brown, crumbly, slightly clay, sandy silt, with areas
of dark grey sandy silt, light brown sand, buff silty sand (?burnt stone) and
buff sandy silt. Very small and small (2-20 mm) stones were present.
Context 1484 Sample 80 [hearth
- 1.30.29]
Moist, black, brittle to crumbly (working sticky), ?humic, clay silt, with
patches of light grey clay, light buff sandy clay, flecks of yellow ?clay and
white flecks of chalk. Very small (2-6 mm) stones and modern rootlets were
Context 1485 Sample 79
[backfill 1.18.6]
Moist, light orange-yellow sand with traces of light yellowish-grey clay sand.
Context 1500 Sample 81 [grave
fill - 1.30.44]
Moist, unconsolidated to soft (working crumbly), light yellow-brown sand and
light to mid grey-brown sandy silt (in equal amounts). Burnt animal bone was
Context 1509 Sample 82
[backfill, natural fill - 1.18.6]
Waterlogged, light to mid brown, unconsolidated sand, with black flecks
(?manganese). Small (6-20 mm) stones were present.
Context 2017 Sample 24
[levelling, natural soil - 2.3.1]
Moist, mid yellowish-grey, crumbly and soft, sand, with very small to
medium-sized (2-60 mm) stones, and fragments of pottery present.
Context 2069 Sample 55 [dump,
levelling - 2.8.3]
Moist, grey-brown, crumbly and soft, slightly silty sand, with flint and flecks
of chalk (to 20 mm) present.
Context 2075 Sample 51
[occupation, floor - 2.11.2]
Moist, mid to dark grey-brown, unconsolidated to crumbly, slightly sandy silt.
Very small to medium-sized (2-60 mm) stones, fragments of brick/tile and
modern roots and rootlets were present.
Context 2076 Sample 52
[levelling - 2.8.8]
Moist, mid to dark grey-brown, crumbly, slightly sandy, clay silt, with very
small to medium-sized (2-60 mm) stones present. Fragments of pottery,
mortar/plaster and rootlets were also noted.
Context 2077 Sample 61
[levelling, dump - 2.7.2]
Just moist, mid to dark brown, crumbly to unconsolidated, slightly clay, sandy,
silt, with ?patches of light grey-brown indurated clay. Very small to
medium-sized (2-60 mm) stones, rootlets and fragments of ?mortar/plaster
were present.
Context 2081 Sample 54 [dump,
levelling - 2.8.6]
Moist, mid to dark brown, crumbly to unconsolidated, slightly silty sand, with
very small and small (2-20 mm) stones and ?pot present.
Context 2082 Sample 56
[levelling, natural soil - 2.3.5]
Moist, mid grey-brown, unconsolidated, slightly silty sand, with very small
(2-6 mm) stones.
Context 2083 Sample 65
[levelling, natural soil 2.3.5]
Moist, light to mid brown-grey, unconsolidated, slightly stony, slightly clay,
silty sand. Very small (2-6 mm) stones were present.
Context 2089 Sample 58
[backfill - 2.5.2]
Moist, mid brown, unconsolidated (working crumbly and soft), slightly clay,
silty sand, with very small to medium-sized (2-60 mm) stones.
Context 2090 Sample 60
[levelling, natural soil - 2.2.4]
Moist, mid to dark grey-brown, with orange mottles (to 1 cm), soft sand.
Context 2091 Sample 57
[structure make up - 2.3.5]
Moist, mid to dark brown-grey, unconsolidated, slightly clay, silty sand, with
lumps of light buff sand (which are internally layered in places), light brown
clay and light to mid and mid grey clay sand. Very small and small
(2-20mm) stones (some flint) and charcoal were present.
Context 2091 Sample 67
[structure make up - 2.3.5]
Moist, mid yellowish-grey, unconsolidated and soft sand, with very small and
small (2-20 mm) stones. Fragments of pot were also present.
Context 2094 Sample 64
[levelling, dump - 2.7.1]
Moist, mid to dark brown, crumbly (working sticky, slightly plastic when wet),
slightly sandy, clay silt, with patches (to 1 mm) of dried buff clay. Very
small to large (2->60 mm) stones, modern roots, fragments of
?mortar/plaster and shell were present.
Context 2099 Sample 69 [dump -
Moist, mid to dark slightly greyish-brown, crumbly silty, clay sand, with lumps
of burnt sediment. Medium-sized (20-60 mm) stones, rotted mortar,
fragments of pot, charcoal and marine molluscs were present.
Context 2100 Sample 68 [grave
fill, packing - 2.5.6]
Moist, mid grey-brown, crumbly, unconsolidated and soft, very slightly humic,
slightly clay, slightly silty sand, with small (6-20 mm) stones and
rootlets. Burnt mammal bone was abundant.
Context 2105 Sample 72
[backfill - 2.5.4]
Dry, mid grey-brown, unconsolidated to crumbly (working crumbly and soft),
slightly sandy, clay silt. Modern rootlets, very small (2-6 mm) stones,
slag, fragments of brick/tile and coal were present.
Context 2107 Sample 66 [natural
- 2.2.3]
Moist, light to mid orangey-brown (slightly darker in places), unconsolidated
silty sand.
Context 5010 Sample 37 [natural
fill - 5.10.4]
Moist, light grey, crumbly (working plastic), clay with minor components of
orangy-brown clay and orangy sandy clay. ?Modern rootlets were also present.
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Last updated: Tue Nov 28 2000