4.2.7 Catalogue of potters' stamps on samian from Brough
by Brenda Dickinson

Each entry gives: excavation number, potter (i, ii, where homonyms are involved), die, form, reading, published examples (if any), pottery of origin, discusion, date.

Superscript (a), (b) and (c) indicate:
(a) A stamp attested at the pottery in question.
(b) Not attested at the pottery in question, but other stamps of the potter known from there.
(c) Assigned to the pottery on the evidence of fabric, distribution, etc.

Ligatured letters are underlined. Context numbers are in square brackets.


S1 Form 31, stamped]II, East Gaulish (Rheinzabern). Late C2 to mid-C3. [74]


S2 Antio 1a 33 L NTIO IS in guide-lines Lezouxc. Only two other stamps have been noted from this die, one of them from Chesterholm. All three examples are Antonine, and the Chesterholm one is likely to be after c.AD 150. [1019]

S3 Cosius Rufinus 12a 27 [COS]RVF (Hull 1958, 123, 5) La Graufesenquea. This comes from a die which seems to have been used only on cups of form 27. The potter's site record suggests activity in the early Flavian period c.AD 70-90. [1019]

S4 Crispinus ii 2a 31 CRISPINI Lezouxc. This stamp was used on form 31R and there are two examples in a group of late Antonine samian recovered off Pudding Pan Rock, Kent. c.AD 160-200. [1045]

S5 Fuscus ii 8c 18/31 FVS[CI] (Knorr 1910, Taf. XXI, 33) La Graufesenqueb. Fuscus ii's stamps occur at sites founded in the 80s and 90s of the 1st century, such as Bainbridge, Butzbach, Cannstatt and Saalburg. This particular stamp is known from Wilderspool, another Domitianic foundation. This evidence, and the form of the dish, suggest a range c.AD 90-110. [1019]

S6 Mettius 2c 22 [M]ETT[I × M] Lezouxc. Mettius's stamps are commonest on forms 18/31, 18/31R and 27; his site record includes the Saalburg Erdkastell (before AD 139) and Scottish forts. However, this stamp may have been used on form 79 and a stamp from another die has tentatively been noted on form 79/80, and so he is unlikely to have ceased work before AD 155/160. c.AD 135-165. [1047]. On decorated fragment D6

S7 Paternus v 7a 37 P L [TERNFE] retr. (Durand-Lefebvre 1963, 181, 562) Lezouxa. This common label-stamp, though well known on Hadrian's Wall in later 2nd-century contexts, has yet to be found on any Scottish site with a normal Antonine occupation. c.AD 160-195. [1000]

S8 Victor v 3g 32 etc. [V]ICTORFE Rheinzabernc. No other examples of this stamp are known to the present writer. Victor v was one of the latest potters to export from Rheinzabern, stamping decorated ware which is stylistically 3rd century and plain forms which were current from the late 2nd century onwards, such as 31, 31R and Ludowici Tb. c.AD 210-260. [1121]

S9 Vocrota 1b 31 31 VOC[ROT M]Lezouxa. There is very little dating evidence for this potter, but his forms seem to be Antonine and a stamp from a different die is known from Chesterholm. This dish is stylistically early to mid Antonine. [1019]

S10 OF[ on a cup, South Gaulish. Late Neronian or early Flavian. [1019]

S11 An illegible stamp on form 33, Central Gaulish. Hadrianic or Antonine. [1459]

S12 CENIIO S(?), retr., on form 33, Central Gaulish. Antonine. [1021]

S13 ] V or L [ on form 32 etc., East Gaulish (Rheinzabern). Late 2nd or first half of the 3rd century. [1021]

S14 CRISP[ on form 27g. The provenance cannot be determined by the fabric, and so the stamp cannot be accurately dated; probably Hadrianic or early Antonine. 1176 joining [1181].


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