List of Figures

Figure 1: An overview map of the north-western Pelopennese showing Sikyon, Corinth, and other City-states.

Figure 2: An aerial photograph taken of the Sikyon plateau in 1987. Source: Hellenic Army Geographical Service.

Figure 3: A plan of the previous excavations carried out at Sikyon in the Agora (after Papachatzis 1976, 90).

Figure 4: An overhead view of the Sikyon plateau with the modern villages of Vasiliko and Moulki shown. The digitised field boundaries as well as the previously excavated monuments are also visible.

Figure 5: A view of the Upper Plateau and tracts.

Figure 6: Some fieldwalkers going through a square in the upper plateau.

Figure 7a and 7b: The square and tract record forms used to record data in the field.

Figure 8: An example of the static maps previously used by the project members. This example shows the ceramic distribution by sherds per square metre.

Figure 9: The corresponding image of Code Listing 1 displayed in Adobe SVG Viewer (after Watt et al. 2003, 35).

Figure 10: The final prototype of the Sikyon interactive image in IE6.

Figure 11: An example of the Ajax functionality. As the mouse moves over the tract in the SVG image, the associated attribute data is displayed in the Web page asynchronously.

Figure 12: Another view of the interactive image in action with a set of layers turned off.

Figure 13: An example of Firefox 1.5 failing to render the SVG correctly.

Figure 14: An image of a solar-powered WiFi router which could potentially be used in the field (Used with permission from:

Figure 15a and 15b: Screenshots of the presentational and geometry tables which are fundamental to the recent development of the tool.

Figure 16: A schematic outline of the client-servlet-server interaction.

Code Listings

Code Listing 1: Simple SVG markup of two squares, one semi transparent on top of the other one (after Watt et al. 2003, 35).

Code Listing 2: Using the 'embed' element for SVG images in HTML.


Prototype Sikyon SVG tool (opens new window). Must be viewed in Internet Explorer 6+ for full functionality.


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Last updated: Tue Mar 25 2008