3.1.3 PAS vs EMC: national comparison

The distributions of finds from the EMC and PAS datasets (Figs 51 and 52) are broadly comparable, with concentrations of finds in similar areas. There are, however, a few exceptions to this, which need some discussion. A line of coin finds can be seen through London along the Thames, which mostly relate to work undertaken on the Thames foreshore and subsequently entered onto the EMC, while the lack of PAS material from Greater London should not surprise us (see below). In addition there are a few finds of coinage (dating throughout the period) in the Weald, but no PAS-derived artefacts. Possibly the most important difference noted between the two datasets occurs in the west. Finds in Wales and western England are generally few, and as noted above, tend to concentrate towards coastal areas. However, the vast majority of the finds made are of coinage, with very few PAS-derived artefacts. This may reflect something of the nature of access to and/or use of metal artefacts by the populations of these areas.

Figure 51 Figure 52 Figure 53 Figure 54
Figure 51: Overall distribution of finds recorded in Corpus of Early Medieval Coins (EMC)
Figure 52: Overall distribution of PAS Early Medieval finds
Figure 53: Kernel density plot of EMC data
Figure 54: Kernel density plot of PAS Early Medieval finds

The kernel density plots (Figs 53 and 54) for both datasets also prove interesting. Obviously, the two are generally comparable but the differences between the two are potentially of great importance, especially in our understanding of the nature of coinage in the period. The PAS plot shows greater overall coverage in those regions with the highest densities of finds. This is most noticeable in East Anglia and Lincolnshire where coin density is constrained. In Norfolk, eastern areas exhibit a surprisingly low overall density of finds with high numbers of coins found only in a small area on the coast encompassing three sites (Caistor-by-Sea, Caistor-by-Norwich, and Burgh Castle), and another further inland in the vicinity of Norwich. In Suffolk, with the exception of Coddenham and Barham, there is a remarkably low kernel density surrounding Ipswich. Conversely, north of the Humber in eastern Yorkshire, the ubiquitous styca coinage points to a higher EMC density than for the PAS.


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