
Judith Winters *

Cite this as: Winters, J. 2011 Editorial, Internet Archaeology 29.

The first article in this issue is Archaeological Fish Bones Online: a digital archive of Sydney fishes by Sarah Colley and Rowan Brownlee. It links to the digital fish bone reference collection hosted by the University of Sydney Library and fits our vision of integrating discrete but related resources which we are also workig hard to achieve with the LEAP project exemplars. Whether online or in print, the amount of editorial input and the associated costs of developing publications are usually hidden from view, but in this instance, the authors looked to their Departmental Research committee and we are very grateful for a subvention to aid development costs of the article from the School of Philosophical and Historical Inquiry, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at the University of Sydney.

Archaeological Investigations at the Upper Chapel, Norfolk Street, Sheffield, UK by Katherine Baker, Steve Baker and James Symonds successfully builds on other recent content we've published from the commercial sector, a community of authors I am very keen to encourage. Internet Archaeology is still not widely utilised by the sector, even though timely and rapid publication with wide dissemination is something the journal is well-placed to do. But in the words of some other recent authors also from the commercial sector, "Publishing in IA allowed for complex colour maps and diagrams to be included as well as large indexed tables, both of which were vital for my article. Publishing in conventional media would have meant compromises and a loss of information". But it's not just the ability to handle data. The journal is increasingly making more content freely available when costs of publication are met and the benefits mean that "...many others will have access to the report, especially in the local community where the fieldwork was carried out. This must add value in the longer term by increasing local knowledge and awareness of archaeology".

Elizabeth Stewart's A History of Historic House Reconstruction: Understanding the Past and Informing the Future offers much to a wide range of readers, from archaeologists with an interest in historic buildings to people interested in heritage management and museum studies. The author analysed the structures of historic buildings focusing on alterations from the last 130 years that had the specific aim of displaying the building to the public and highlighted that the recent history of buildings is an important element in the planning and management of them. The management of the historic environment is also a theme of On the Record: The Philosophy of Recording, three short articles that were forged in a TAG session at Durham in 2009. All three contributions demonstrate the use that can be made of old records of the historic environment and how information technology makes it possible to interrogate and disseminate the data in ways its original creators could never have imagined.

Archaeological Excavations on the BTC Pipeline, Azerbaijan by Paul Michael Taylor and David Maynard is the the third LEAP II exemplar and the last article in this issue to be released into the ether. The article summarises one of the largest programmes of work ever carried out in the country along the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline, and in turn links to related digital holdings from the excavations hosted by ADS, containing translated reports, data, including C14 dates, and an extensive image library. The article is also free to readers from the .az domain and readers are encouraged to contribute and comment on the findings via the 'reader comments' function.

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