[Internet Archaeology]

Issue 29 (2011)


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Editorial - Judith Winters

Submitted: June 2011; Published: June 2011
Words: 582 (5KB); Images: 0 (0KB)
Full Text

Archaeological Excavations on the BTC Pipeline, Azerbaijan - Paul Michael Taylor and David Maynard

Submitted: May 2011 ; Published: June 2011
Words: 36594 (419KB); Images: 199 (38MB); Digital archive
Summary | Table of Contents

Archaeological Fish Bones Online: a digital archive of Sydney fishes - Sarah Colley and Rowan Brownlee

Submitted: March 2010; Published: December 2010
Words: 10921 (103KB); Images: 0 (0KB); Digital archive
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Archaeological Investigations at the Upper Chapel, Norfolk Street, Sheffield, UK - Katherine Baker, Steve Baker and James Symonds

Submitted: January 2010; Published: February 2011
Words: 43264 (362KB); Images: 57 (8.2MB)
Summary | Table of Contents

A History of Historic House Reconstruction: Understanding the Past and Informing the Future - Elizabeth Stewart

Submitted: May 2010; Published: February 2011
Words: 29237 (235KB); Images: 64 (9.9MB)
Summary | Table of Contents

On the Record: The Philosophy of Recording

On the Record: The Philosophy of Recording. An Introduction - Martin Newman

Submitted: October 2010; Published: March 2011
Words: 699 (7KB)
Full Text

What Matters about the Monument: reconstructing historical classification - Jonathan Bateman and Stuart Jeffrey

Submitted: October 2010; Published: March 2011
Words: 4233 (34KB); Images: 6 (276KB)
Summary | Table of Contents

Where to Draw the Line: Scheduled Ancient Monuments and Historic Landscape Characterisation in Wales - Oliver Davis

Submitted: October 2010; Published: March 2011
Words: 4030 (35KB); Images: 5 (799KB)
Summary | Table of Contents

The Database as Material Culture - Martin Newman

Submitted: October 2010; Published: March 2011
Words: 5386 (42KB); Images: 9 (893KB)
Summary | Table of Contents


Review of DBAS: DataBases about Aegean Subjects [Website] - Andrew Shapland

"...DBAS shows the way forward for a subject that is often hampered by unpublished data"
Full text. Published January 2011.

Review of Saint-Denis: A Town in the Middle Ages [Website] - Stephen Murray

"Just as the 12th-century church of Saint-Denis catered to pilgrims as well as literati, this website will...engage the interest of the layperson and provide a useful source of information for the specialist."
Full text. Published February 2011.


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