List of Tables

Table 1: Composition of granite, basalt and igneous rock calculated as a 1:1 ratio of granite and basalt (from Daly 1914, 169)

Table 2: Composition of the cobalt-blue frit from Amarna O45.1. The upper table shows the mean, standard deviation and coefficient of variation from the 11 measurements recorded in Tite et al. (1998). The lower table shows the average composition recorded in Tite and Shortland (2003) alongside the composition of glass from the same site. The differences between the mean values of the frit in the two tables is because some data were omitted in Tite and Shortland (2003) because of possible contamination from the lime lining found on the inside of the cylindrical vessels

Table 3: Variation matrix for the cobalt-blue frit from Amarna O45.1. Note that SnO2, P2O5 and PbO are not included as they were at the lower limits of detection for WDS, with only a few samples having non-zero values. Note the strong co-dependence (low values - underlined) between CoO and MgO, Al2O3 and SiO2, and between SiO2 and Na2O and Al2O3. The co-dependence between Na2O and K2O is not strong (0.530) suggesting that these two components are not associated. CaO has low co-dependence with all other components, presumably due to contamination from the lime coatings on the cylindrical vessels where the frit was found. Data from Tite et al. 1998

Table 4: The bulk chemical composition of silver ore by SEM-EDS in normalised wt%

Table 5: The bulk chemical composition of glass part by SEM-EDS in normalised wt% oxides by stoichiometry

Table 6: Ticks represent the components detected in each phase or the ore, the glass and the bead. The components added are also presented.

Table 7: The bulk chemical composition of glass part by SEM-EDS in normalised wt% oxides by stoichiometry of the produced sample, and after three successive reheating cycles


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