List of Figures

Summary Video: Overiew of the ArchAIDE workflow (60 seconds). Taken from

Figure 1: Overview video of the ArchAIDE workflow

Figure 2: Illustration of the basic ArchAIDE workflow

Figure 3: Model of the ArchAIDE Reference Database

Figure 4: Screenshot of Roman Amphorae: a digital resource

Figure 5: Screenshot of the digitisation tool developed by CNR-ISTI Visual Computing Lab

Figure 6: Illustration of the conversion process carried out by the CNR-ISTI Visual Computing Lab. Standardised profile drawings of archaeological pottery were converted into vector files in SVG format, from which 3D scale models were derived

Figure 7: 3D interactive model of amphorae type Dressel 12 created from a profile drawing

Figure 8: Illustration of how use of multilingual vocabularies allow searching not only terms, but also through browsing the Reference Database, leading to the same results

Figure 9: Video of ArchAIDE partners undertaking photo campaigns (43 seconds). Taken from ArchAIDE consortium (2019)

Figure 10: Three typical images captured during the photography campaign

Figure 11: Images with the foreground removed using the GrabCut algorithm

Figure 12: Video introducing the ArchAIDE database (1 min 40 seconds) Taken from ArchAIDE consortium (2019)

Figure 13: Model of the mobile and server-side applications interacting through the API server

Figure 14a/Figure 14b/Figure 14c: A series of screenshots showing the workflow for recognising a sherd by shape using the ArchAIDE app

Figure 15: An example of a visualisation using the ArchAIDE data, showing trade networks for a particular pottery type

Figure 16: Video of feedback from archaeologists participating in ArchAIDE workshops around Europe (3 mins 37 seconds) Taken from ArchAIDE consortium (2019)

Figure 17: Professional and academic pottery specialists at the Pisa Workshop, 2018

Figure 18: One of the many testing events carried out in Spain, Italy and Germany

Figure 19: Testing at the ArchAIDE final conference in Pisa, 2019

Figure 20: Screenshot of the ArchAIDE archive:

Figure 21: Screenshot of the archive Roman Amphorae: a digital resource, showing the ArchAIDE logo and a new link to 3D models on the right side of the menu bar for each type:

Figure 22: Carrot Amphora DR103 in the 3D viewer

Figure 23: 3D printed Roman amphorae from the ArchAIDE archive at the final project review in Brussels, 2019

Figure 24a/Figure 24b: To address the paucity of training data available, 3D models were broken into 'virtual sherds' and used to train the shape-based algorithm


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