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The Agency of Civilians, Women, and Britons in the Public Votive Epigraphy of Roman Britain

Charlotte A. Root, Janet E. Kay, Noah Kreike-Martin, Cathleen Weng, Heather Madsen and Rhiannon Pare

Cite this as: Root, C., Kay, J.E., Kreike-Martin, N., Weng, C., Madsen, H. and Pare, R. 2024 The Agency of Civilians, Women, and Britons in the Public Votive Epigraphy of Roman Britain, Internet Archaeology 67.

Data statement

The data used to support the findings of this study are included within the article. The data studied in this article were collected and are openly available under a CC BY 4.0 license from Roman Inscriptions of Britain Online (Vanderbilt 2022)


Appendix 1: Lists of deities by cultural group, with RIB inscription numbers. Includes the total count of how many times the deity appears in the 838 inscriptions

Appendix 2: Lists of the deities dedicated to by women acting alone or by the combined efforts of women and men. Inscriptions marked in yellow indicate instances where an inscription is the only one in the complete dataset of 838 inscriptions dedicated to that particular deity.

Appendix 3: List of inscriptions where the origin of the dedicator is included, organised by geographical groupings.

Appendix 4: List of Dual Cultural inscriptions

Appendix 5: List of Dually Syncretic inscriptions

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