5.6.3 Geological report on the hones

by G.D.Gaunt

One stone item (context 1276, 50) has a narrow bar shape with rectangular cross-section typical of purpose-shaped hones dating to the Roman period. Its lithology indicates a source in the Upper or Middle Jurassic, or Lower Cretaceous, of southern and eastern England. This is equivalent to hone petrology classification Group IV (Ellis 1969, 172-77). In fact, the lithology strongly suggests a source in the Hythe Beds, which is part of the Lower Cretaceous Lower Greensand of Kent and Sussex, colloquially known as Kentish Rag. Roman hones made of Kentish Rag are a common find.

As mentioned in the report on the structural stone, a fragment of Elland Flags type sandstone (context 1019) that was originally part of a roofing stone displays smoothed surfaces, which suggests re-use as a hone. An erratic of Middle or Upper Jurassic calcareous sandstone (context 1195) also has a smoothed surface indicative of slight use as a hone.


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