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List of Illustrations

Figure 1: Reconstructed entrance of the Roman fort at Saalburg (photo P. M. Allison)

Figure 2: Map of Rhine and Danube regions showing location of Vetera I (drawing P. A. Faulkner)

Figure 3: Gerulata castellum in Slovakia (photo P. M. Allison)

Figure 4: Idealised plan of a fort, with basic buildings (drawing P. A. Faulkner)

Figure 5: Tombstone of Primus, cavalryman and orderly in the Ala Noricum, end 1st century CE. Xanten Regional Museum (photo P. M. Allison)

Figure 6: Aucissa fibula from Casa del Menandro in Pompeii (photo P. M. Allison)

Figure 7: Pendants and other objects (inv nos 4907-10) from a box in room 35, Casa del Menandro in Pompeii (photo P. M. Allison)

Figure 8: Pendant (inv. no. 4869) as part of harness from courtyard 34, Casa del Menandro in Pompeii (photo J. Agee)

Figure 9: Vetera bone stylus J1 (Hanel 1995, pl. 165)

Figure 10: Functional categories

Figure 11: Gender categories

Figure 12: Map showing Xanten, Colonia Ulpia Traiania and Vetera I (drawing P. A. Faulkner)

Figure 13: Vetera I, Neronian fortress, showing building numbers, kilns and fortifications of earlier fortresses (by P.A. Faulkner)

Figure 14: Workflows and software (drawing A. S. Fairbairn and C. W. Blackall)

Figure 15: Comparison of Bézier Curve and GIS Arc (drawing C. W. Blackall)

Figure 16: Screen dump of part of Excel spread sheet showing data from OCR translation of scanned original catalogue and added data for functional categories and their SQL abbreviations.

Figure 17: Access database relationships page exemplifying how the relational database was structured

Figure 18: Access query output showing the summaries by trench and gender categories with null values (i.e. empty cells)

Figure 19: .dbf table of the summary data with the null values in the gender categories filled with zeros

Figure 20: Sample of GIS view of long trench, Trench 750, through Buildings P and F

Figure 21: Sample of GIS view of short trenches in Buildings K, J and M

Figure 22: Unguentaria (inv. nos 5080A-D) from House I, 10,2, Pompeii (photo J. Agee)

Figure 23: Spiral fibula B16 from Vetera (drawing Hanel 1995, pl. 28)

Figure 24: Trumpet fibula B44 from Vetera (drawing Hanel 1995, pl. 30)

Figure 25: Kragenfibeln B45 from Vetera (drawing Hanel 1995, pl. 30)

Figure 26: Melon beads (inv. no. 4772), found with human skeleton in room 19 in the Casa del Menandro in Pompeii (photo P. M. Allison)

Figure 27: Gaming counters and die (inv. nos 4254 and 4258) from room 1 in the Casa del Menandro in Pompeii (photo P. Allison)

Figure 28: Correspondence analysis between buildings, with more than 10 artefacts, and gender categories (A. S. Fairbairn)

Figure 29: Correspondence analysis between groups of functionally related buildings and areas, and gender categories (A. S. Fairbairn)

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Last updated: Mon Apr 4 2005