Atlas pages: indexed by type
A provisional list of the Atlas Pages included in Roman Pottery in Britain follows:
- Amphoras
- Terra sigillata
- Imported wares
- Mortaria
- Romano-British fine wares
- Romano-British coarse wares
- Dressel 20 amphoras and allied types [DR20] c. AD0 to 250
- Dressel 1 amphoras [DR1] c. -100BC to -10BC
- Dressel 2-4 amphoras [DR2-4] c. AD0 to 100
- Mid-Roman Campanian amphoras [MRCA] c. AD200 to 300
- Pascual 1 amphoras [PAS1] c. AD0 to 40
- Rhodian (Camulodunum 184) amphoras [RHOD] c. AD0 to 150
- Gauloise flat-based amphoras [GAUL] c. AD50 to 250
- Gauloise 12 amphoras [G12] c. AD180 to 300
- Haltern 70 amphoras [H70] c. AD40 to 70/100
- London 555 amphoras [L555] c. AD55 to 125
- Dressel 7-11 `salazon' amphoras [SALA] c. AD20 to 100/120
- Richborough 527 amphoras [R527] c. AD20 to 230
- Camulodunum 189 (`carrot') amphoras [C189] c. AD40 to 100
- Kapitän II (`Hollow foot') amphoras [HOFA] c. AD250 to 350
- British B4 amphoras (`micaceous jars') [B4] c. AD200 to 410, and AD475 to 550
- North African cylindrical amphoras [NACA] c. AD140 to 410, and AD475 to 550
Terra sigillata
- Terra sigillata or Samian wares [TS] c. -40BC to 260
- Italian-type (`Arretine') sigillata [ITTS] c. -20BC to 30
- South Gaulish (La Graufesenque) terra sigillata [SGTS] c. AD40 to 120
- South Gaulish (Montans) terra sigillata [MOTS] c. AD50 to 180
- Central Gaulish terra sigillata [CGTS] c. AD40/100 to 200
- East Gaulish terra sigillata [EGTS] c. AD120 to 260
- Colchester terra sigillata [COTS] c. AD155 to 180
Imported wares
- Argonne ware [ARGO] c. AD320 to 410
- Fine black-slipped wares
- Central Gaulish black-slipped ware [CGBL] c. AD150 to 200
- Trier black-slipped ware (`Moselkeramik') [MOSL] c. AD180 to 250
- Central Gaulish colour-coated wares [CGCC] c. AD40 to 120
- Central Gaulish glazed ware [CGGL] c. AD40 to 80
- Central Gaulish coarse micaceous ware [CGMW] c. -10BC to 30
- Central Gaulish fine micaceous wares [CGSF] c. -15BC to 30
- Céramique à l'éponge [EPON] c. AD300 to 410
- E ware [EWARE] c. AD500 to 550
- Lower Rhineland (Cologne) colour-coated ware [KOLN] c. AD80 to 250
- Lyon ware [LYON] c. AD40 to 70
- German marbled wares [MARM] c. AD250 to 350/400
- Late Roman Mayen ware [MAYN] c. AD300 to 410
- North African red slip ware [NARS] c. AD80 to 410, and AD475 to 550
- North Gaulish grey wares [NGGW] c. AD70 to 250/300
- Phocaean red slip ware [PRSW] c. AD475 to 550
- Pompeian-Red wares [PRW]
- Pompeian-Red ware - fabric 1 [PRW1] c. AD40 to 80
- Pompeian-Red ware - fabric 2 [PRW2] c. AD40 to 80
- Pompeian-Red ware - fabric 3 [PRW3] c. AD40 to 130
- South Gaulish colour-coated ware [SGCC] c. AD40 to 70
- Spanish colour-coated ware [SPAN] c. AD40 to 80
- Gallo-Belgic wares [GB] c. -20BC to 70/100
- Terra rubra [TR] c. -20BC to 60
- Terra nigra [TN] c. -20BC to 70
- Eggshell terra nigra [TNEG] c. AD55 to 100
- Aoste mortaria [AOMO] c. AD50 to 85
- Corbridge mortaria [CBMO] c. AD100 to 190
- Colchester mortaria [COMO] c. AD140 to 200
- Eifel region mortaria [EIMO] c. AD40 to 65
- Gloucester-region mortaria [GLMO] c. AD55 to 90
- Italian mortaria [ITMO] c. AD40 to 160
- Lincolnshire mortaria [LIMO] c. AD100 to 200
- Mancetter-Hartshill mortaria [MHMO] c. AD100 to 350
- New Forest mortaria [NFMO] c. AD260 to 370
- North Gaulish (Pas-de-Calais) mortaria [NGMO] c. AD40 to 100/130
- Nene Valley mortaria [NVMO] c. AD110 to 400
- Oxfordshire white-ware mortaria [OXMO] c. AD100 to 410
- Rossington Bridge mortaria [RBMO] c. AD135 to 190
- Rhône valley mortaria [RVMO] c. AD50 to 100
- Soller mortaria [SOMO] c. AD150 to 220
- Verulamium-region mortaria [VRMO] c. AD50 to 160/200
- Wilderspool mortaria [WPMO] c. AD110 to 190
- Wroxeter mortaria [WXMO] c. AD100 to 170
Romano-British fine wares
- Colchester colour-coated wares [COLC] c. AD120 to 250
- Hadham red-slipped wares [HARS] c. AD200 to 410
- London-Essex stamped wares [LEST] c. AD70 to 125
- The `London ware' style [LOND] c. AD70 to 130/150
- New Forest slipped wares [NFCC] c. AD260 to 370
- Nene Valley colour-coated wares [NVCC] c. AD150 to 410
- Oxfordshire red/brown-slipped wares [OXRS] c. AD240 to 410
- South-east English glazed ware [SEGL] c. AD70 to 120
Romano-British coarse wares
- Alice Holt/Farnham grey wares [AHFA] c. AD50 to 410
- Black-burnished wares [BB]
- South-east Dorset black-burnished 1 [BB1] c. AD40 to 410
- Rossington Bridge BB1 [RBBB1] c. AD140 to 180
- South-Western BB1 [SWBB1] c. AD40 to 200/250
- Black-burnished 2 [BB2] c. AD120 to 200/250
- Crambeck wares [CRAM] c. AD300 to 410
- Dales ware and Dales-type ware [DALES] c. AD200 to 375
- Derbyshire ware [DERBY] c. AD140 to 350
- Late Roman grog-tempered wares [LRGR] c. AD270 to 410
- South Midlands shell-tempered wares [LRSH] c. AD300 to 410
- Malvernian coarse wares [MALV] c. AD100 to 200
- North Kent shell-tempered storage jars [NKSH] c. AD60 to 150
- Oxfordshire parchment ware [OXPA] c. AD240 to 410
- Portchester fabric D [PORD] c. AD300 to 410
- Savernake-type grey wares [SAVG] c. AD40 to 150/300
- South Devon burnished ware [SDBB] c. AD60/200 to 410
- Soft pink grog-tempered wares [SPGR] c. AD160 to 410
- Severn Valley wares [SVW] c. AD40 to 410
- Verulamium-region white ware [VRW] c. AD50 to 160/200
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Last updated: Wed Oct 9 1996