Northern zone, east of Road 1, Open Areas 34 and 35 - Period 3

As previously noted, investigation of this area was somewhat limited. The survival, occupation and use of OAs 34 and 35 in the early Roman period are consequently particularly poorly understood. Investigated remains of early Roman date are few and restricted to pitting and a single hearth (Figure 104).

Other enclosures that comprise the northern zone to the east of Road 1 are OA33 and OA36.

Period 3A summary view | Period 3B summary view | Open areas (lower terrace) | Open areas (upper terrace)

Figure 104: Period 3A and 3B - Northern zone enclosure system (east of Road 1), Open Areas 33-36

Open Area 34

Hearth 10174 (Group 797)

Hearth base 10174, comprising a sequence of scorched clay and pebble layers, lies at the north-western limit of the investigated extents of OA34 alongside Road 1.

Pitting (Groups 802, 852)

Small, seemingly isolated, pit 10166 (Group 802) lies close to hearth 10174. Small quantities of pottery, tile and animal bone are accompanied by a glass bead (SF2207 and a few iron nails.

The OA34 interior is occupied by a cluster of miscellaneous early Roman pits of varying shape and size (Group 852). In contrast to peripheral pit 10166, large rounded pits 7118 and 7129 and rectangular pit 7157 contain large and relatively varied finds assemblages. In addition to its pottery (KPG23, dated to AD 155/160), pit 7118 included briquetage and a bone counter (SF1138). Pit 7157 also contains a sestertius (SF2386).

Smaller rounded pits 7130 and 7296 contain fewer and more restricted finds assemblages. Pit 7216 (Group 3072), although of only general Roman date, may be associated with those of early Roman date at this location.

Open Area 35

Pitting (Group 853)

Period 3 pits occupy the perceived north-western corner of OA35, albeit this being the only part of the enclosure interior subject to detailed investigation. Large and irregular pit 7097 is positioned tightly in the enclosure corner with larger inter-cut pits 7174 and 7207 and small pit 7194 to its south-east. All three contain moderate amounts of early Roman pottery plus small quantities of tile and animal bone. Single vessel glass fragment occur in all but 7207, with 7174 also notable for the presence of a Langton Down brooch (SF1145) and a copper-alloy dupondius (SF1146).


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