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ABCD: Conium maculatum

Conium maculatum L. hemlock



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Site no Site Location Date Period
1263 Alchester 74 Bicester, Oxfordshire, England 1976 Roman
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1263b RO.RN.LR 105 ditch fill fine grey silt late Roman 100 400
1278 Appleford 73-4 nr Abingdon, Oxfordshire, England 1980 Bronze Age/Iron Age/Romano-British
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1278a RO.RN:RB F 32, 200, well fill dark grey organic lo Roman 200 400
1387 Ilchester 74-5 Ilchester, Somerset, England 1982 roman
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1387c RO.MR 150(4) well fill nr ? ? ?
1397 Finck St 78 London, Lambeth, Greater London, England 1988 Roman-late medieval
Sample Period
1397a RO:PR.MD
1624 The Bedern York 76-80 York, North Yorkshire, England 1986 ?
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1624a PR.SE.MS (3) pit/depression fills dark silty clays Anglian 580 900
1700 Waltham Abbey 79 Waltham Abbey (46 Sun St), Essex, England 1987 late 16th c/post 1540
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1700a PR.PM.16 - pit fill vegetation layer post-medieval 1540 1600
1737 Watling Court City of London, Greater London, England 1991 early medieval
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1737b PR.SE.AS Phase 4-5 pit fills ? Saxon-Norman ? ?
1032 Alcester Alcester, Warwickshire, England 1988 Roman
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1032a RO.RN.ER ALC well fill organic layer Roman 1st/2nd c 000 200
1034 Bays Meadow Droitwich, Hereford & Worcester, England 1988 Roman
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1034a RO.RN.LR DBM well fill clay & pebbles Roman 300 400
1288 Bunny nr Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, England 1968 Roman
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1288a RO.MR - well fill ? Roman 100 300
1291 Finsbury Circus 19-21 London, Greater London, England 1921 Roman/?post Roman/medieval
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1291a ND - layer reedy dark earth Roman or post Roman ? ?
1040 Fisherwick 74-5 nr Tamworth, Staffordshire, England 1979 Iron Age/Romano-British
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1040a PH.IA.LI ij 301j ditch fill organic mud/stony sa Iron Age -200 100
1446 Alms Lane 76 Norwich, Site 302N, Norfolk, England 1985 10th-13th cAD
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1446c PR.MD.HM Phase 4 feature fills & occupatio mr medieval 1275 1400
1460 River Exe 84 St Thomas, Exeter, Devon, England 1988 medieval
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1460a PR.SE - natural accumulation blue silty clay with early medieval 900 1300
1462 Prestatyn 84-5 Prestatyn, Clwyd, Wales 1989 Iron Age/Romano-British
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1462a RO.RB.ER 2316 & 232 well fill dark grey fine silt Roman 120 190
1393 Queen St Newcastle Newcastle upon Tyne (Quayside), Tyne and Wear, England 1988 12th-19th c
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1393c PR.MD:PM.HM:LM:16:17 Phase 5 accumulation organic medieval 1350 1650
1400 Scale Lane Lowgate 74 Kingston-upon-Hull, Humberside, England 1974 medieval
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1400d PR.MD.HM 41 floor layer nr medieval 1300 1400
1404 Dalton Parlours 76 Collingham, nr Wetherby, West Yorkshire, England 1990 Iron Age and Roman
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1404a PH.RO.? K1 & K2 well fill nr Roman 350 400
1404b RO.LR L well fill silt Roman 250 370
1406 Aston Tirrold 89 Goring/Didcot, Oxfordshire, England 1989 ?
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1406a RO Ditch 3 66 ditch fill nr Roman 100 200
1638 Runnymede 78 nr Egham, Berkshire, England 1992 Mesolithic-Neolithic-late Bronze Age
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1638d PH.BA.LB L14/20 channel sediment nr late Bronze Age ? ?
1638h PH.BA.LB column WF1 channel deposits nr ??late Bronze Age? ? ?
1638c PH.BA.LB L20 channel sediment nr late Bronze Age ? ?
1797 Miles Lane City of London, Greater London, England 1991 ?
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1797a PR.SE:MD.AS:EM (12) pit fills ? Saxo-Norman or early medieval ? ?
1706 Wasperton 79 Warwick/Stratford-upon-Avon, West Midlands, England 1982 prehist-Romano-British-late Roman-Saxon
Sample Period
1706a ?
1736 Milk St City of London, Greater London, England 1991 early medieval
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1736c PR.SE.AS Phase 4 pit fills ? Saxon-Norman ? ?
1736d PR.SE.AS Phase 5-6 pit fills ? Saxon-Norman ? ?
1017 Watergate St 85 Chester, Cheshire, England 1988 Roman-medieval
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1017a PR.MD.HM F9 pit fill organic dark brown mid 13th 1225 1275
1399 Chapel Lane Staith 78 Kingston-upon-Hull, Humberside, England 1979 medieval
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1399a PR.MD.HM (5) layer/rubbish nr medieval 1300 1400
1631 South Shields 84 South Shields, Tyne and Wear, England 1988 Roman
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1631a RO.RM 12236 layer clay & clay silt wit Roman 210 275
1636 Whitton , Glamorgan (W, M & S), Wales 1981 Roman
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1636b RO ? well fill nr ?Roman ? ?
1673 James St Drogheda Drogheda, Louth, Ireland, Eire 1985 13th-16th cAD
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1673a PR.MD.HM ? occupation deposits nr medieval 1200 1400
1009 Graveney Boat 70 Graveney, Kent, England 1978 10th C
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1009a PR.SE.AS R4-Gr92 wreck fill alluvial clay 10th C 900 1000
1035 Tiddington nr Thame, Oxfordshire, England 1988 Roman
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1035a RO.RN.ER 579 well fill clay & pebbles Roman 000 200
1035c RO.RN.LR 131 well fill clay & pebbles Roman 100 300
1035b RO.RN.MR 127 well fill clay & pebbles Roman 200 400
1247 Pevensey 07-8 nr Eastbourne, Sussex (E & W), England 1908 Roman
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1247a RO.RM.LR com well fill nr Roman 200 400
1305 Dominican Priory Oxford 76-83 Oxford, Oxfordshire, England 1985 ?medieval
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1305a PR.MD.LM 102 & 202 drain & culvert fill dark organic silt prob 15th c 1400 1500
1305b PR.MD.EM:HM B&C&D alluvium & floodplain dep alluvium pre-mid 13th c ? ?
1042 Birmingham Moat 73-5 Birmingham, West Midlands, England 1980 medieval-post-medieval
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1042a PR.PM.16:17 ML3 Base 3 moat fill fine sandy silt loam med/post-medieval 1450 1700
1048 Dublin 62-81 Fishamble/Wood Quay etc, Dublin, Ireland, Eire 1987 early medieval ?9th-?13/14?
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1048a PR.SE.AS.? COMB various ? early medieval 0 0
1527 Magistrates Court Norwich Norwich (Whitefriars St site), Norfolk, England 1988 ?
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1527i PR.MD.EM:HM Period 2 pit & gully fills nr medieval 1100 1300
1527h PR.SE.AS Period 1 pit fills nr Saxo-Norman 1000 1150
1372 Taunton Priory 80 Taunton, Somerset, England 1984 medieval
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1372c PR.MD F69 ditch fill dark grey soil with medieval ? ?
1372a PR.MD.? F68 pit fill ashy & organic/peaty medieval ? ?
1396 Borough High St (199) Southwark, London, Greater London, England 1988 Roman-post med
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1396e PR.MD comb pit fills nr early-late medieval ? ?
1418 Melbourne St 71-6 Southampton, Hamwih, Hampshire, England 1980 Saxon
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1418d PR.SE.MS.AS SARCVIF39 pit fill heavy black clay wit Saxon 700 900
1419 Poundbury 66-82 Dorchester, Dorset, England 1987 neolithic-post-roman
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1419e PR.SE.ES com grain drier fills nr post Roman 300 625
1419d PR.SE.ES com feature fills nr post roman 350 650
1616 General Accident York 83-4 York, 24-30 Tanner Row, North Yorkshire, England 1990 roman-AS-medieval
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1616f RO.MR Period 6 ( occupation layers/buildup - Roman 175 250
1616b RO.MR Period 2 ( buildup & ditch fill - Roman 125 175
1616g RO.LR Period 7 ( well fill - Roman 225 350
1616a ND Period 1 ( occupation layers - undated pre-Roman/Roman ? ?
1616c RO.MR Period 3 ( feature fills, buildups & - Roman 150 200
1616d RO.MR Period 4 ( organic accumulation/buil - Roman 150 200
1616j PR.MD.EM:HM Period 11 pit fills - early medieval 1100 1300
1616k PR.MD.EM:HM Period 12 pit or well fills - Medieval 1200 1300
1616e RO.MR Period 5 ( organic accumulation organic Roman 175 200
1616i PR.SE:MD.AS:EM Period 9 ( pit fills - Anglo-Scand/Norman 1000 1200
1638 Runnymede 78 nr Egham, E, London: British Museum. 1992 Mesolithic-Neolithic-late Bronze Age
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1638d PH.BA.LB L14/20 channel sediment nr late Bronze Age ? ?
1638h PH.BA.LB column WF1 channel deposits nr ??late Bronze Age? ? ?
1638c PH.BA.LB L20 channel sediment nr late Bronze Age ? ?
1926 Eastgate Beverley 83-86 Beverley, Humberside, England 1992 Anglian-medieval
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1926a PR.SE:MD Phase 1 extensive layer sandy silt pre 8thc ? 750
1727 Crown Court 85-6 Newcastle Quayside, Tyne and Wear, England 1989 medieval
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1727a PR.MD com many ? medieval ? ?
1445 Whitefriars St 79 Norwich, Norfolk, England 1983 Saxon and medieval 10th-early 13th
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1445c PR.SE:MD.AS:EM Period III pit fill & layer black silty loam Saxon & medieval 1075 1200
1371 Rudston Villa nr Bridlington, Humberside, England 1980 Roman
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1371a RO (10) well fill ? Roman ? ?
1621 Coppergate 74 York, North Yorkshire, England 1983 Roman-Anglo-Scand-medieval
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1621b PR.SE:MD Area S wattle layers nr AS-Norman & medieval ? ?
1629 Farmoor 74-6 Farmoor, Upper Thames, Oxfordshire, England 1979 Iron Age-Roman
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1629d RO 1060/2, 43 well fill - Roman ? ?
1629c RO 17/4 & 116 pit fill & water hole - Roman ? ?
1734 Abbots Worthy nr Winchester, Hampshire, England 1992 middle Saxon
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1734b PR.SE.AS ? large pits ? Anglo-Saxon ? ?
1734c PR.SE.AS ? pits ? Anglo-Saxon ? ?
1595 Friernhay St Exeter 81 Exeter, Devon, England 1984 Roman
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1595a RO.RM.ER (4) ditch fills nr Roman 000 200
1449 Upper Bugle St 76-7 Southampton, Hampshire, England 1986 med-post med
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1449a PR.MD:PM.? 525/572-3/ ditch fill nr medieval-post-medieval ? ?
1523 Middleborough 79 Colchester, Essex, England 1984 Roman and medieval - post med
Sample Period
1523a RO:PR.MD:PM
1530 Caerwent 02-09 nr Chepstow (Venta Silurum), Gwent, Wales 1978 ?
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1530b RO 1909 ex well fill wl Roman ? ?
1530a RO.RB 1902-8 ex pit and well fills nr Roman ? ?
1546 Collfryn 80-2 Llansantffraid Deuddwr, Welshpool, Powys, Wales 1989 3rd c BC Iron Age to medieval
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1546a PH.IA (19) ditch fill nr Iron Age ? ?
1338 East Gate Lancaster 73 Lancaster, Mitre Yard, Lancashire, England 1988 roman late 2nd - mid 3rd c AD
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1338a RO.RM.MR T12.9 well fill organic Roman 175 250
1623 The Bedern York 76-80 York, North Yorkshire, England 1986 ?
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1623a RO (4) well fill matrix of course san Roman 300 450
1928 Speke Hall 81-2 nr Liverpool, Merseyside, England 1992 med-post-med
Sample Period Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1928a PR.MD:PM.LM:16 moat fill organic silty sand late med/post-med 1475 1550
1016 Quilters Vault Southampton, Hampshire, England 1979 medieval
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1016a PR.MD QV3F119 ditch fill nr medieval 0 0
1037 Austin Friars 73-8 Leicester, Leicestershire, England 1985 pre-Boreal
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1037a PH AF389 1983 natural peat peat underlying blue pre-Boreal ? ?
1041 Shackerley Mound 81 Telford/Wolverhampton, Shropshire, England 1987 medieval
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1041a PR.MD.HM:LM 2nd moat moat fill sandy silts medieval 1289 1500
1041b PR.MD.HM 1st moat moat fill sandy silt medieval 1246 1275
1345 Denton 59 nr Grantham, Lincolnshire, England 1971 Roman
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1345a RO 610113-7 well fill organic matter Roman ? ?
1365 Holme Pierrepont nr Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, England 1969 -
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1365a PH com canoe fill organic pre-historic ? ?
1392 Watkins Farm Northmoor, nr Oxford, Oxfordshire, England 1990 IronAge - Romano-British
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1392a PH.IA (2) ditch & gully fill nr Iron Age ? ?
1392d RO.RB Site B (4) water hole, pond & ditch nr Roman ? ?
1416 Sidbury 76 Worcester, Hereford & Worcester, England 1980 Roman-medieval-post med
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1416c PR.SE.AS F148c1274 pit fill clay late Saxon 1000 1100
1627 Sewer Lane 74 Kingston-upon-Hull, Humberside, England 1977 ?
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1627c PR.PM.16:17 Phase V P4 pit fill/watercourse organic post medieval 1575 1650
1920 Coppergate 76-81 York, North Yorkshire, England 1995 Roman-Anglo-Scand-medieval
Sample Period Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1920b PR.SE.AS combined data ? Anglo-Scand ???? ????
1920a PR.SE.AS combined data ? Anglo-Scand ???? ????
1002 Cowick 76 nr Snaith, Humberside, England 1989 late medieval, post 1321
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1002a PR.MD.LM 51 moat fill organic late-medieval 1323 1500
1295 Silchester 1900-08 nr Reading, Hampshire, England 1908 Roman c5AD-c450AD
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1295a RO com well & pit fills nr Roman 5 450
1044 Hen Domen 60-74 Montgomery, Powys, Wales 1982 pre-Conquest/medieval
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1044a PR.MD.HM F1/27 pit fill organic medieval 1223 1300
1451 Holy Island Village 77 Lindisfarne, Northumberland, England 1985 Saxon-post med-early modern
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1451a PR.? Phase 2 17 layer light brown sandy lo late Saxon/early medieval 875 1275
1451c PR.? Phase 4 23 pit fill nr early post med ? ?
1394 Faccenda Farm 83 nr Alchester, Bicester, Oxfordshire, England 1984 Roman late 1st-early 3rd
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1394a RO.RN.ER (3) ditch & pit fills dark brown organic l Roman 075 150
1617 Rougier St York 81 York, North Yorkshire, England 1990 Roman-AS-medieval
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1617f RO.ER Group 6 (5 road layers - Roman 175 200
1617a RO.MR Group 1 (7 ditch fill - Roman 150 200
1617c RO.ER Group 3 (1 ditch fill - Roman 150 200
1617e RO.ER Group 5 (7 granary layers burnt material Roman 175 200
1617j PR.MD.EM:HM Group 10 ( pit fills - medieval 1100 1300
1617b RO.ER Group 2 (3 ditch fill - Roman 150 200
1740 Ironmonger Lane City of London, Greater London, England 1991 early medieval
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1740a PR.SE Phase 2-6 occupation layers/pit fil ? Saxon-Norman ? ?

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