4.2.6 Other sources

Several other published and unpublished sources were also utilised in order to complete the VASLE 'Sites dataset':

Barham, Suffolk Newman, pers comm
Beverley, East Yorkshire Armstrong et al. 1991
Marlowe Car Park, Canterbury Blockley 1995
Coddenham, Suffolk Newman, pers comm
Cottam A Richards and Haldenby in prep
Cottam B Richards 1999b
Cowlam Richards and Haldenby in prep
HartlepoolCramp and Daniels 1987; Daniels 1988
Royal Opera House, LondonMalcolm et al. 2003
Meols, Cheshire Griffiths et al. 2008
Sandtun Gardiner et al. 2001
South Newbald Leahy 2000
Southampton (Hamwic) Hinton 1996
Torksey, Lincolnshire Brown 2006
Wharram Percy Milne and Richards 1992; Stamper and Croft 2000
Whitby Abbey Peers and Radford 1943 (EMC data used for coins)
Fishergate, York Rogers 1993 (EMC data used for coins)

Identification of discrete sites from these sources followed the authors' own definitions in their published or forthcoming reports (see Newman 2003 for preliminary discussion of Barham and Coddenham). Assigning the Middle/Late Saxon period to the artefacts followed their stratification in the excavation reports. For metal-detected finds, the period assignment followed the same principles as used for the PAS data.


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