Upper terrace, Road 5 - Period 2B

Road 5 (Figure 6 and Figure 58), is the northernmost of the three roughly parallel side roads that extend eastwards from the principal thoroughfare of Road 1. It is assumed that it is created as an integral part of the LIA/early Roman transition period remodelling of the settlement and the imposition of its infrastructure.

Road 5 is the least investigated of all the roads. Like Road 4, only its western part may be formally surfaced. However, much of its westward course was obscured by flooding of the site or else is not readily apparent on the pre-excavation plan of Development Area A3.

Period summary view | Open areas, enclosure systems and roads on the lower terrace

Road deposits in Area H

The earliest evidence for Road 5 is represented by sandy make-ups 6482 and 6488 (Group 137), overlain by a compact gravel surface 6481 (Group 138). The surface shows signs of wear and likely encroachment in the form of hollow 6483 and post-hole 6485 (Group 139). There is no clear evidence for the original construction date of Road 5, and intrusive material seems to be present. However, this episode is overlain by early Roman deposits and a Period 2B date is judged likely.

Patches of gravel surface 6360 and 6480 (Group 140) present on the northern edge of Open Area 19 may represent a Road 5 resurfacing episode, as they appear to seal the evidence for wear on the road's primary surface.


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