Northern zone, Open Area 35 (east of Road 1) - Period 2B

Bounded by the retained Period 2A boundary ditch 25045 to the west, by ditch 25042 to the north and by Road 5 to the south, only the south-western edge of Open Area 35 falls within Excavation Area G (Figure 50). Its eastward extent is undetermined as this part of Development Area 2B was not investigated, and no suitable boundaries were apparent on its pre-excavation plan. This is also the case further east still, in Area A3. Investigation within the enclosure is limited to the northern periphery alongside the perceived boundary. Nothing of the enclosures function and character can be discerned.

Period summary view | Open areas, enclosure systems and roads on the lower terrace

Pitting (Group 311)

Pit 7221 is located alongside the perceived northern boundary of OA35. Relatively large and elongated, it contains a large quantity of pottery, together with animal bone, briquetage, iron blade fragment (SF2819) and a small amount of Roman tile in its upper fill. Pits 7229 and 7320 are only recorded in section.

Well 2 disuse (Group 312)

Period 2A Well 2 clearly passes out of use prior to, or perhaps as a consequence of, the remodelling of the Late Iron Age settlement. During excavation, it was believed that the entire top of Well 7220 had been removed to a depth of up to 0.45m by overlying feature 7143. Rather than being a truncating pit, however, it is more likely to be a subsidence hollow that develops above the shaft remains and in which silts and rubbish (deposit 7124) subsequently accumulate. The slump hollow accumulation includes Romanising pottery, indicating that this feature becomes infilled and levelled around the mid-1st century AD.


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