List of Tables

Table 1: Quantities of retained potsherds according to the trenches

Table 2: Technological and morphological categories used in the recording of archaeological ceramics from Mahurjhari

Table 3: Synthetic table illustrating the criteria used to define each class of pottery and its variants in the assemblage (as described in detail above)

Table 4: Dig numbers, depths, and brief descriptions of the layers pertaining to Trenches A-D and F at Mahurjhari, together with an indication of the presence or absence of different categories of archaeological material found during excavation. PT=pottery, BD=bead, BD-d=bead debitage, BR=brick, BN=bone, SH=shell, MT=metal, TC=terracotta, ST=stone, and WS=worked stone

Table 5: Number of sherds of each class/variant recorded in the archaeological layers of Trench C

Table 6: Number of sherds of each class/variant recorded in the archaeological layers of Trench F

Table 7: Reconstructed chronological sequence for Trenches C and F, based on radiocarbon dates and relative dating (after Mohanty et al. in press)

Table 8: Distribution of classes and variants from dated layers in Trenches C and F

Table 9: Number of sherds of each class/variant recorded in the archaeological layers of Trench A

Table 10: Reconstructed chronological sequence for Trench A, based on relative dating

Table 11: Number of sherds of each class/variant recorded in the archaeological layers of Trench B

Table 12: Reconstructed chronological sequence for Trench B, based on relative dating

Table 13: Number of sherds of each class/variant recorded in the archaeological layers of Trench D

Table 14: Reconstructed chronological sequence for Trench D, based on relative dating


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