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A Massive, Late Neolithic Pit Structure associated with Durrington Walls Henge: Supplementary Data

Vincent Gaffney, Eamonn Baldwin, Martin Bates, C. Richard Bates, Christopher Gaffney, Derek Hamilton, Tim Kinnaird, Wolfgang Neubauer, Ronald Yorston, Robin Allaby, Henry Chapman, Paul Garwood, Klaus Löcker, Alois Hinterleitner, Tom Sparrow, Immo Trinks, Mario Wallner and Matt Leivers

Cite this as: Gaffney, V. et al. 2020 A Massive, Late Neolithic Pit Structure associated with Durrington Walls Henge, Internet Archaeology 55.

  1. Feature Gazetteer by Eamonn Baldwin, Vince Gaffney and Alois Hinterleitner
  2. Ground penetrating radar survey by Eamonn Baldwin, Chris Gaffney and Wolfgang Neubauer
  3. Electromagnetic survey by Richard Bates
  4. Core Logs by Martin Bates
  5. Luminescence investigation of sediments by Tim Kinnaird
  6. Radiocarbon dating by Derek Hamilton
  7. Analysis of the pit circuit by Vince Gaffney
  8. Estimates of average pit volumes by Vince Gaffney
  9. Archaeoastronomy by Ron Yorston
  10. Contributors and Roles

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