[Internet Archaeology]

Issue 10 (2001)


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Editorial: the cost of advertising - Judith Winters

Submitted: Sept 2001 ; Published: Sept 2001; Words: 1125 (8KB); Images 10 (289MB)
Full text

Sculpture, Dance and Heritage: animating dance sequences from temple reliefs using movement modelling software - Alessandra Lopez y Royo Iyer

Submitted: August 2000 ; Published: June 2001
Words: 11552 (102KB); Images 32 (27MB); Animations
Summary | Table of Contents

Land Snail Extinctions at Kalaeloa, O`ahu - T.S. Dye and H.D. Tuggle

Submitted: March 2000; Published June 2001
Words: 22681 (208KB); Images 10 (385KB); Downloadable data
Summary | Table of Contents

A Simple Technique For Visualising Three Dimensional Models in Landscape Contexts - Stuart Jeffrey

Submitted: August 2000; Published: May 2001
Words: 8708 (76KB); Images: 19 (7.5MB); VR model; Animation
Summary | Table of Contents

Anglian and Anglo-Scandinavian Cottam: linking digital publication and archive - Julian D. Richards

Submitted: Oct 1999; Published: May 2001
Words: 47846 (404KB); Images: 163 (4.1MB); Database; Digital archive
Summary | Table of Contents

A Late Period Caranqui Chiefdom in the Northern Highlands of Ecuador: Archaeological Investigations at Hacienda Zuleta - Elizabeth J. Currie

Submitted: Oct 2000; Published: April 2001
Words: 23724 (225KB); Images: 145 (12MB)
Summary | Table of Contents


Carnuntum Virtuelle Tour/ Virtual Tour Through Ancient Carnuntum/ Quomodo virtualiter per Municipium Aelium Carnuntum ambulare possis - Eberhard Sauer

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The Archaeology of Southern Ontario to A.D. 1650 - Martha A. Latta

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