[Internet Archaeology]

Issue 35 (2013)


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Editorial - Judith Winters

Submitted: December 2013; Published: December 2013
Words: 1582(6KB); Images: 0(0KB)
Full Text

King Solomon's Silver? Southern Phoenician Hacksilber Hoards and the Location of Tarshish - Christine M. Thompson and Sheldon Skaggs

Proposal received: July 2013; Submitted: July 2013 ; Published: October 2013
Words: 11759 (846KB); Images: 14 (2.8MB)
Summary | Table of Contents

Bridging the 'Geospatial Divide' in Archaeology: Community Based Interpretation of LIDAR Data - Gary L. Duckers

Proposal received: December 2012; Submitted: February 2013; Published: October 2013
Words: 17935 (237KB); Images: 35 (3.75MB)
Summary | Table of Contents

Bryozoans in Archaeology - Matthew Law

Proposal received: February 2013; Submitted: March 2013 ; Published: August 2013
Words: 10257 (94KB); Images: 7 (420KB)
Summary | Table of Contents

Pioneers, publishers and the dissemination of archaeological knowledge: A study of publishing in British archaeology 1816-1851 - Sarah Scott

Proposal received: December 2012; Submitted: March 2013 ; Published: August 2013
Words: 24269 (197KB); Images: 6 (2.3MB)
Summary | Table of Contents

Using Social Media for Research Dissemination: The Digital Research Video Project - Suzanne Pilaar Birch

Proposal received: April 2013; Submitted: May 2013; Published: September 2013
Words: 4395 (63KB); Images: 1 (96KB); Videos: 4 (16MB)
Summary | Table of Contents

Surveying Caribbean Cultural Landscapes: Mount Plantation, Barbados, and its global connections - Jonathan Finch, Douglas Armstrong, Edward Blinkhorn and David Barker

Proposal received: April 2013; Submitted: May 2013; Published: September 2013
Words: 6983 (92KB); Images: 15 (5.3MB)
Summary | Table of Contents

Data Papers

This is new series of open access, peer-reviewed data papers—short, peer-reviewed publications designed to make other researchers aware of a dataset, and accompanied by a referee statement on the data's re-use potential and significance.

The Evolution of Rome's Maritime Façade: archaeology and geomorphology at Castelporziano (Data Paper)
Amanda Claridge and Helen Rendell (Referee statement by Charles French)

Burdale: An Anglian Settlement in the Yorkshire Wolds (Data Paper)
Julian D. Richards and Steve Roskams (Referee statement by Gabor Thomas)

Ceramics and Society: Early Tana Tradition and the Swahili Coast (Data Paper)
Stephanie Wynne-Jones and Jeffrey Fleisher (Referee statement by Paul Lane)


Review of MAGIS (Mediterranean Archaeology GIS) [data resource] - Kristian Strutt

Full text. Published October 2013.


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