Lower terrace (south), Open Area 4 - Period 2A

Like OA1 to its north, the limits of OA4 are somewhat notional. Conjectured to extend west of boundary ditch 25075 and south as far as the lower terrace edge, identified activity within its interior is apparently confined to pitting. It is possible that OA4 is in fact part of OA1, perhaps simply representing a distinct function area within it.

Period summary view | Open areas | Principal features on lower terrace

Pitting (Groups 62, 754)

Most of the OA4 pits form a distinct cluster toward its southern end (4080, 4026, 4117, 4130, 4285, 4287, 4289, 4517, 4519, 4528, 4530, 4658 Group 62), all within 12m of one another and dating from the late 1st century BC to early 1st century AD. With the exception of 4026 and 4117, all the pits are inter-cutting, oval to sub-square in plan and 1.60-2.40m wide. Outliers 4026 and 4117 are larger and circular in plan. All these pits are comparatively deep, generally being between 0.6m and 0.8m. This pit complex also has later Iron Age pits and then Roman pits cut into its top, a phenomenon that recurs all over the site. Further pit 4329/4698 (Group 754) is regarded as a Period 2A feature but was recorded in the field as cutting Period 2B pits, presumably the result of mis-excavation.

Crucible and slag fragments are present in pit 4517, and 4698 also includes metalworking debris. Potentially Roman metalwork, such as the horse bit (SF1181) in pit 4285 (Group 62), is almost certainly intrusive.


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