[Internet Archaeology]

Issue 1 (1996)


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Foreword - Barry Cunliffe

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Editorial - Alan Vince

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The archaeological use of Kernel Density Estimates - Christian Beardah and Mike Baxter

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Sensuous and reflexive GIS: exploring visualisation and VRML - Mark Gillings and Glyn Thomas Goodrick

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The application of high resolution fluxgate gradiometery as an aid to excavation planning and strategy formulation - James Lyall & Dominic Powlesland

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The development of the tobacco pipe kiln in the British Isles - Allan Peacey

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A review of the archaeological evidence for food plants from the British Isles: an example of the use of the Archaeobotanical Computer Database (ABCD) - Philippa Tomlinson and Allan R. Hall

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Roman amphoras in Britain - Paul Tyers

Summary | Table of Contents


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