[Internet Archaeology]

Issue 11 (2001/2002)


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Editorial - Towards sustainability in electronic publishing - Judith Winters

Submitted: May 2002; Published: May 2002; Words: 1359 (13KB)
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A GIS-based Vegetation Map of the World at the Last Glacial Maximum (25,000-15,000 BP) - N. Ray and J.M. Adams

Submitted: July 2001 ; Published: December 2001
Words: 21,268 (204KB); Images 19 (88KB); Interactive downloads
Summary | Table of Contents

Behaviour and belief in mortuary ritual: attitudes to the disposal of the dead in southern Britain 3500bc-AD43 - Peter H.W. Bristow

Submitted: November 1999 ; Published: November 2001
Words: 271,759 (2.1MB); Images 19 (460KB); Database
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Preservation of Urban Archaeological Deposits: monitoring and characterisation of archaeological deposits at Marks & Spencer, 44-45 Parliament Street, York - M. Davis, A. Hall, H. Kenward and J. Oxley

Submitted: January 1999 ; Published: March 2002
Words: 30,968 (298 KB); Images 32 (2.7 MB); Downloadable data
Summary | Table of Contents

The Human Remains from HMS Pandora - D.P. Steptoe and W.B. Wood

Submitted: September 2001 ; Published: April 2002
Words: 45,764 (405KB); Images 167 (19MB); Database
Summary | Table of Contents


Reconstrucción del Coro Pétreo del Maestro Mateo (CD-Rom) - Christopher Gerrard

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Investigating Olduvai: Archaeology of Human Origins - 4 years on (CD-Rom) - John Gowlett

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Stonehenge Landscapes and Stone Circles (CD-Rom) - Mike Pitts

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A Review of Monumental Past: The Life-histories of Megalithic Monuments in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Germany) (web site) - Brian Fagan

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