[Internet Archaeology]

Issue 13 (2002/2003)


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Editorial - Judith Winters

Submitted: April 2003; Published: April 2003
Words: 886 (6KB)
Full text

The York System: An integrated zooarchaeological database for research and teaching - Jennifer F. Harland, James H. Barrett, John Carrott, Keith Dobney and Deborah Jaques

Submitted: June 2002; Revised draft submitted: February 2003; Published: March 2003
Words: 12884 (120KB); Images 5 (162KB); Downloadable data (19MB)
Summary | Table of Contents

Getting it together on-line: HEIRNET and Internet-based resource discovery tools for the Historic Environment - Kate Fernie

Submitted: January 2003; Revised draft submitted: February 2003; Published: February 2003
Words: 8304 (83KB); Images 3 (78KB)
Summary | Table of Contents

New Standardised Visual Forms for Recording the Presence of Human Skeletal Elements in Archaeological and Forensic Contexts - Mirjana Roksandic

Submitted: June 2002; Revised draft submitted: January 2003; Published: February 2003
Words: 7987 (75KB); Images 3 (121KB); Downloadable data (1.25MB)
Summary | Table of Contents

Bwigg: An Internet facility for Bayesian radiocarbon wiggle-matching - J. Andrés Christen

Submitted: April 2002; Revised draft submitted: November 2002; Published: January 2003
Words: 9369 (93KB); Images 5 (51KB)
Summary | Table of Contents

Travelling Beneath Crows: Representing socio-geographical concepts of time and travel in early medieval England - L Symonds and R Ling

Submitted: November 2001; Revised draft submitted: June 2002; Published: November 2002
Words: 12448 (110KB); Images 13 (869KB); Interactive maps (Java Applets)
Summary | Table of Contents


Ramsey Abbey - An Archaeological Survey (CD-Rom)

"The conclusions of the project are rewarding ... a cheap alternative to a printed book"
Chris Gaffney

Full text

Historic Parishes of England and Wales: An Electronic Map of Boundaries before 1850 with a Gazetteer and Metadata (CD-Rom and book)

"an excellent and much needed research tool"
Thomas Pickles

Full text


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