[Internet Archaeology]

Issue 8 (2000). Visualisation theme


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Editorial - Judith Winters and Steve Dobson

Submitted: Oct 2000; Published: Oct 2000
Words: 905 (8KB)
Full text

The antler finds at Bilzingsleben, excavations 1969-1993/Die Geweihfunde aus Bilzingsleben, Ausgrabungen 1969 - 1993 - Jürgen Vollbrecht

Submitted: January 1999; Published: October 2000
Words: 27799 (316KB); Images: 70 (1.5MB); Database
Full text also in German
Summary | Table of Contents

Debriefing the Land: The Use of Non-immersive Virtual Reality Technologies to Record, Navigate and Analyse Artefact-rich Landscapes - Brian Larkman

Submitted: January 2000; Published: September 2000
Words: 13039 (118KB); Images: 25 (3.8MB); Panoramas
Summary | Table of Contents

The Compelling Computer Image - a double-edged sword - Harrison Eiteljorg II

Submitted: April 2000; Published: August 2000
Words: 10317 (84KB); Images: 33 (1.5MB)
Summary | Table of Contents

The world in a spin: representing the Neolithic landscapes of South Uist - Vicky Cummings

Submitted: Dec 1999; Published: August 2000
Words: 11903 (121KB); Images: 17 (1.6MB); Panoramas
Summary | Table of Contents

Virtual 3-D Facial Reconstruction - Martin Evison

Submitted: April 1999; Published: August 2000
Words: 9994 (88KB); Images: 25 (620KB); VR model
Summary | Table of Contents

Immediate Realities: an anthropology of computer visualisation in archaeology - Jonathan Bateman

Submitted: March 2000; Published: June 2000
Words: 6694 (60.7KB)
Summary | Table of Contents

3D Interpretative Modelling of Archaeological Sites/A Computer Reconstruction of a Medieval Timber and Earthwork Castle - Jeremy Huggett and Chen Guo-Yuan

Submitted: February 2000; Published: June 2000
Words: 14466 (144KB); Images: 72 (1.5MB); VR model
Summary | Table of Contents


Yanomamö Interactive: The Ax Fight - Marcus Banks

Full text

ArchEd and Stratigraph - Excavation recording and analysis software - Mike Rains

Full text


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